So I went to my FLGS to discuss some things and I'm also there to pickup a transfer, of which I'll discuss later..
He's not just my dealer, but also a client, and he's currently passing a rather detailed ATF audit, one might even describe it as a proctology-level exam, with flying colors. They actually told him he's one of the top stores in the state in terms of his records being done right and his inventory being in tip-top shape which is a very good thing.
Fellow pulls up in a truck and comes in wearing a very patriotic gear type t-shirt and looks around.
My client greets him warmly and asks what he can help him with.
Fellow says he's been shooting for awhile and enjoying it and he's been shooting a particular gun for a while now and wants to buy it.
So my FLGS asks him what he's looking to buy.
He wants to buy a Glock 1911.
Client explains Glock doesn't make a 1911. Fellow then says "Oh it must be a Glock 38 then".
Probably not, given that Glock 38s are a compact sized Glock in 45 GAP. It is pretty unlikely to be the gun he was shooting as it's not a particularly popular choice for local ranges to have out for rental nor is 45GAP regulatory stocked.
Turns out he was not, in fact, shooting a Glock 38.
Most likely, he was shooting a Glock 30 or Glock 21 in 45 ACP, and that's where the confusion has come in.
Glock's model nomenclature really doesn't help either.
I head out and let them continue the discussion.
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