Monday, December 09, 2024

When The Process Is The Punishment

Daniel Penny was found not guilty of manslaughter in a case that should never have been brought against him.

The jury appropriately found him not guilty. 

Note that neither of the two men assisting Penny in restraining the attacking Jordan Neely, who had been threading to kill passengers on the subway car, were charged in his death. The fact that one was Black and the other Hispanic clearly had no bearing on there not being charged by the progressive DA Alvin Bragg in this matter. Surely not.

Meanwhile, Mr. Perry’s suffered  legal expenses for his excellent defense by his attorneys, and his life and liberty were put in jeopardy by the two-tiered legal system instituted under the progressive DA's office under Bragg, where viewing crime through a racial lens and "equity" is more important than justice. Under Bragg, actual criminals are given a pass, and law-abiding citizens defending themselves and defending others, as in the case of Penny are prosecuted.
Here, the process was the punishment along with a message being sent to other good people.
The message is to not intervene against a favored minority committing crimes -- even if someone's life is at stake -- or you'll be prosecuted by the same state that knowingly let the criminals walk free to commit their crimes. 

1 comment:

juvat said...

A crime is a crime is a crime. The skin tone of the perpetrator is absolutely irrelevant! And the more a DA (Is that an abbreviation for Dumb A*s? Seems so in this case) plays that card, the more likely violence will erupt. At some point, the law abiding citizens will say “Enough!”, and the events of the 1860’s in the US will look like a small fistfight. The jerk should be fired and disbarred.
Just sayin’