Friday, December 06, 2024

Interesting Move By Detroit Mayor Duggan

The Democrat Mayor of Detroit Mike Duggan is making a rather interesting move.

He just announced he will be running for governor.

As an independent candidate.

The Detroit Free Press: Mayor Mike Duggan aims to bridge division in gubernatorial run as independent candidate

From a lifetime as a stalwart Democrat and member of the Detroit Democrat Machine  - albeit as a highly effective and competent member of same, he's now dropping the "D" from his candidacy.

I wonder if he figures the Democratic Party has a rather tarnished image right now and he'd rather run from it than run with it.

Or it may be a matter of DEI Democrat politics, which may mandate a person of color rather than competence make the gubernatorial run.

Duggan has been regarded by many as corrupt but highly effective - which is pretty much the best you can expect or ask for when it comes to a Democrat Mayor of Detroit. Indeed, Duggan is, quite simply, the best mayor Detroit has had in decades.

We'll see if his surprise shift to independent and dropping of the Democrat brand works in his favor.


Old NFO said...

Not like he's the first crook to run for governor... Louisiana's had a few that won.

Fredrick said...

With straight line voting he'll find that especially difficult.