Friday, April 05, 2024

The World's Two Smallest Violins

Are busy playing for this sad state of penal affairs:

The Detroit Free Press: Michigan prisons plan 'normal operations,' no protective glasses, for Monday's eclipse

Yep, some prisoners are sad that in prison they don't get to enjoy viewing an eclipse. 

Much sadness.  

Then again, they are in prison, after all, which is not supposed to be a day at the beach complete with eclipse-filled views.

Some prisoners in New York are suing over not being able to view the eclipse:

The prisoners who have sued over the lockdown say the eclipse has religious significance and denying them the right to view it is unconstitutional claiming it is violating their religious freedom

 I wonder how many of them will on Monday will be chanting:

Here's to the sun god;

He's such a fun god;

Ra! Ra! Ra!

Because if they don't, it's clearly not a sincerely held religious belief. Just sayin'.


Matthew W said...

If this had been the Clinton or Obama presidency, there would have been federal programs set up last year to make sure all of the poor people would have (needlessly expensive ) viewing glasses...
Surprised the oatmeal brained pretender missed the opportunity

Aaron said...

Matthew W: Yep, I'm rather surprised as well, but given his cognitive capabilities or lack thereof, it likely slipped his mind.