Thursday, April 11, 2024

I Believe That's What Is Called A Clue

Heading into court today and after passing through the metal detectors I got to watch the deputies stop a fellow after he had gone through to let him know he could not take the handcuff key on his key ring into the building.

They nicely agreed to hold onto it for him as it was raining out.  

They don't want just anyone wandering about the courthouse with a handcuff key, as there is often handcuffed prisoners around the facility and having people wandering around with they keys could get interesting. Good on them for paying attention and seeing it.

When asked where he was going, the fellow stated he had an appointment to see his probation officer.

Yet another good reason to relieve him of his handcuff key, that.

So, a good thing to keep in mind for law enforcement is felons they stop on the street may be carrying around handcuff keys to get out of handcuffs after they are arrested, so it pays to check for it.

1 comment:

Matthew W said...

heh, you'd be surprised as to how many times I was in court with a handcuff key........
Always love the morons that hold up the line because they don't understand that their belt buckle is metal even after being told "TAKE OFF YOUR BELT"