Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Maybe Quit Wasting Money On DEI Until You're At Least Competent In The Basics

The Oakland County Commission, the government that runs Oakland County recently became completely Democrat-dominated as of the last election.

Of course they've gone all in for DEI initiatives and other Dem-favored clap-trap and spending in such areas.

However, with such distractions, they've been falling down on their job to provide for basic services and core competencies that are actually needed.

Like snow removal for roads.

West Bloomfield Township and other townships in the county have their roads handled by Oakland County.

This snowstorm Oakland County has singularly and impressively failed to maintain the roads. 

Most of the major roads in the township are still snow-covered wrecks, days after the snowfall.   Many of the roads have become two-tracks where there are ruts to drive in where tires have been ,and mounds of snow and ice otherwise. Some lanes are still snow-covered and totally unusable.

Instead of getting salt on the roads when the temperatures rose these past few days (before plunging again) to get rid of the ice, they did sweet bugger all.  It appears they all took a day off for MLK day, and left the plows and salters in the yards.  Schools have been closed due to this road conditions.

While traffic circles are claimed to offer efficiency in moving traffic, when they're iced over it is another thing entirely. Nothing like moving in two directions as you go around the circle (the direction you want to go and spinning outwards from the circle at the same time).  

The snow fell Saturday. As of today, Tuesday, the roads are still sucking quite badly.  Quite simply, I've not seen the roads this bad this many days after a snowfall before.

Nearby Farmington Hills, that is in charge of its own roads, has them nice and clean and passable, as does Troy.  

The change is absolutely remarkable when you leave areas under the County's authority and reach a place still working on its core mission to its residents rather than being distracted by ideological frippery.


Rick T said...

And next election I expect ALL the incumbent commissions will be re-elected.

Aaron said...

Rick T: Sadly, yes that's most likely. The "Vote Blue, No Matter Who" types are getting what they voted for -- good and hard.

Sadly, the rest of us are getting it too.

Old NFO said...

Welcome to the 'new' priorities!