Thursday, April 05, 2012

Coca Cola Crumbles in Color of Change Challenge

Detroit Free Press: Coca-Cola boycotts group backing 'Stand Your Ground' laws

A badly worded headline to be sure, but indicative of Coca Cola ending its membership in ALEC due to misbegotten pressure by some loudmouthed and ill-informed activists.

Coca-Cola Co. has ended its membership in a conservative organization seen as the incubator for a string of new state laws on voting and a marketer of laws like Florida's "Stand Your Ground" self-defense statute.

The Atlanta-based soft drink maker says its focus with the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, was on combating "discriminatory" food and beverage taxes, not on issues "that have no direct bearing" on its business.

The decision came Wednesday, just a few hours after online advocacy group ColorofChange began a boycott of the company.

Pretty amazing lack of spine on Coca Cola's part. Their corporate officers handle pressure with far less ability than their famous glass bottles containing their product.

This is especially so since the activity of ALEC that is the target of complaint, namely the "stand your ground laws" really don't have much to do with the facts, circumstances and legal environment concerning the Tayvon Martin/George Zimmerman incident. Not to mention the facts of the shooting incident continue to develop, with many of the facts departing markedly=y from the initial media and politically-driven narrative.

I daresay Coca Cola just got punked by a small group of loudmouths pushing a very political agenda.

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