Friday, February 04, 2022

Ow, What The Heck?

So, no ice machine yesterday, much sadness.

As such, I didn't put on the ice gel pack I've bought as a replacement at night, as falling asleep wearing it is not a good idea.  In short, you should ice an area for up to only 30 minutes at a time. Then  you need to give the icing treatment a break.

Swelling does continue to occur in the lower areas.  

Before the guys go "swelling heh, heh, cool" -- Well, it's not so much fun nor is there any swelling in that area, get yer minds outta the gutter. 

Generally, the swelling occurs lower down as the swelling around the quad muscle and hip seems to trap the blood farther down in the leg.

The right ankle again swelled yesterday night to the size of a softball.  Likely the heavy PT had something to do with that. Very productive PT session where I was walking around and doing exercises without a cane or any support or safety belt at all (kinda scary, and wobbly, but I did it)  - quite the workout.

Normally and unfortunately, I'm awoken in the middle of the night because of the right big toe swelling up and feeling like it had been sliced open and bleeding at the top, even though it is not actually doing that.  But it sure feels and hurts like it does.

But last night it wasn't the right big toe that woke me up, this time, it was the  Big Toe on my LEFT LEG.

Seriously left big toe?  Your leg wasn't even involved in this surgery! Knock that off.

Got the gel pack out, iced the right leg at the hip for thirty minutes which felt darn good, and everything settled down.

More outpatient PT today. More icing to come too. Time to go get better.


juvat said...

Hang in there, remember it was MAJOR surgery. You're doing great! Keep it up.

Aaron said...

juvat: Thanks! PT just went well and they said the same thing - it's a major body part to get chopped, so weird stuff pain/nerve reactions are apparently to be kinda expected as it heals up. Swelling/scar tissue is easing up a bit more than how it was Monday around the incision site, which is good.