Tuesday, October 16, 2018

New Orleans - Sunday Swamp Day

No trip to New Orleans is complete without a journey to its surrounding swamps and bayous.

So we headed off to the Barataria Preserve Sunday, after recovering somewhat from Saturday's rather epic day.

In the preserve, there were gators to see:

One moving through the swamp:

One close to the trail:

The gator stayed there sunning itself without a care or concern for the people walking by along the boardwalk close enough to reach out and pet it, which wisely none did.

Then on the way back along the trail, there was a danger noodle that was danger close:

The water moccasin was right on the trail and would have easily been stepped upon, and did not seem bothered by people walking by and refused to leave.

So Murph, of course, grabbed a stick and chivvied him off

The snake could tell when he wasn't wanted and headed off the trail for the water, flicking its tongue in annoyance.

A very nice walk through the swamp with an opportunity for some good up-close pictures of the native wildlife.


ProudHillbilly said...

Nice! Did you hear any of the bulls roaring?

Aaron said...

PH: Thanks, the pics came out nice. No roaring gators were heard. A lot of the people on the trails were making more than enough noise for everything in the swamp.