Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Surprise! (Not!) BLS Does Yet Another Huge Downward Jobs Revision

Throughout President Biden's term in office, the Bureau of Labor Statistics are released with great fanfare showing job growth, and then the job numbers are quietly revised. Downward, Every single time.

Now, the latest downward revision is a doozy.

Legal Insurrection:Biden/Harris Jobs Success Was Fake – 818,000 Downward Revision Announcement 

On Wednesday morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced a preliminary benchmark revision to the number of nonfarm payrolls from April 2023 through March 2024. According to the report, the number of new jobs added to the economy during this period was revised downward by 818,000.

That's the biggest downward revision during the Biden Administration yet. Indeed it is the biggest revision in 15 years.

That the BLS has clearly been politicized to loudly announce job growth happy-talk so it can be trumpeted by Biden et al, and then quietly walked back to make the Biden Administration look good is pretty much beyond question at this point. 

One major problem is the false statistics of such job growth made the Fed think it needed to keep interest rates up to fight inflation and the rate increases were not hurting the economy as jobs were still being created in record numbers defying normal expectaitons.  But they were not.

How to Lie With Statistics (a book everyone should read or at least listen to on Audible to become a better critical thinker IMHO) is not supposed to be a how-to manual. 

The Biden Administration just seems to outright and repeatedly lie about job growth statistics. What other statistics (cough, inflation!, cough) are they also cooking the books on?

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