Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tim Who?

Well Kamala Harris (or TPTB behind her) has chosen Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, to be her VP candidate.

Not exactly a household name.

Minnesota is already a lock for the Democrats.

But, she needed a white guy for the ticket, and yes, race is very much a factor in Democrats choosing candidates.  Funny, that.

It would have made sense to nominate Josh Shapiro as she and the Dems could have used the appointment to win votes in Pennsylvania which is in play, and a critical state for either side to win.

But, she couldn't do that as both the Progressive Left and the Arab Democrats would have had a fit (and indeed they were throwing fits that he was even being considered) as he happens to be Jewish.  

So much for racial harmony in the Democrat camp, eh?


markshere2 said...

Don't interrupt your enemy when he (she) is making a mistake.

Aaron said...

markshere2: Yep, they picked a very progressive governor for VP that let Minneapolis burn in the BLM riots rather than stop them. This is a pick to satisfy the progressive Dem base and not the country at large.