Friday, August 30, 2024

London Trip 8 - IWM Duxford - The American Air Force Museum

After seeing the planes fly, we went to the American Air Force Museum that is at Duxford. 

Duxford from 1943-1945 during World War 2 was the home of American Fighter Groups of the 8th Air Force, first the 350th and then the 78th. Both
P-47 Thunderbolts and P-51 Mustangs flew from the airfield.

Or course the American Air Force Museum has both a P-47 Thunderbolt and a P-51 Mustang on display:

 They also have an excellent collection of other American Aircraft including a B-24, a B-25, and a B-29:

Modern jets included an F-4, an F-15, an F-111 and an A-10:


An SR-71 is proudly on display, and it is the only SR-71 on display outside of the USA:

Quite cool to see.

And a U-2:

There's various placards and informative displays about the aircraft and those who flew and maintained them.

There's also a computerized memorial wall where the names of all of those lost while serving in the 8th Air Force in World War II are projected in rotating fashion.  It's a rather humbling long list of names and takes awhile for it to scroll through.

The American Air Force Museum is very well done at IWM Duxford and is well worth a visit.  Some of the British certainly do remember the American contribution to World War 2 and the Cold War, and remember and honor it well.

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