Wednesday, August 21, 2024

London Trip #3 Meetings and Meanderings

After visiting the Tower we headed back to the hotel as the travails of travel were beginning to sink in.

My room wasn't ready yet but Mr. B's was, so I grabbed a spot on the floor in his room and promptly passed out for an hour.  That rest was badly needed.

 The rooms were small but functional, they would have been a squeeze for two people to stay in but they worked and the location right by Trafalgar Square could not be beat.  My room soon became available and all was well.

Then we headed out and walked by St. Paul's Cathedral:


We also saw a Mini-Tardis:


It was, however, not in functional condition: 

We continued to walk until we got to The Cockpit pub and met up with Lagniappe's Keeper, who had been gallivanting around Europe and met up with us in London.  We had some beers and dinner and caught each other up on things.

That was the end of Day 1. I had walked 22,000 steps on Day 1, quite a bit more than my usual.  Day 2, being my birthday, required us going to a rather special place to celebrate.


michigan doug said...

Wow. Wondered what happened to Lagniappes lair. Glad he's doing well.

Aaron said...

michigan doug: Yep, he's doing well.