Thursday, August 08, 2024

Walz Wants To Decide What Is Hate Speech Or Disinformation

Tim Walz in 2022 stated: "There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy," Walz

Actual Hate speech of course is unpleasant and often uncouth and untrue, but it often serves a useful signaling purpose as it reveals the character of the speaker to all.

However, statements are often labeled hate speech when they are not “hate speech” to instead chill it when the speech is adversarial to whoever is trying to silence the speaker. Indee, as Democrats like Walz tend to label anyone who doesn’t agree with them as Hitler or a fascist, it’s not hard to see them calling their opponents’ speech hate speech to block and ban it when it suits them.

So the problem is who decides what is considered hate speech?

As to "misinformation", the problem is Democrats have labeled as misinformation what was actually true, such as Hunter Biden’s laptop

Democrats have also labeled as true things that were misinformation such as the Steele Dossier.

In short, Walz’s statement would let the government (meaning fellow Demo) simply ban speech they don’t like if they can claim it is hate speech or misinformation to protect “our democracy”.

That kind of speech control and politically opportunistic discrimination is downright un-American and in fact is harmful to democracy.


Matthew W said...

I'm so old I remember when Democrats at least pretended to support free speech.

Old NFO said...

F them...