Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Well That Was Interesting

So, DTE had let the management at the office building where I work that if the heat gets high enough, with resulting electrical demand, guess whose building gets the electric service shut down?

Yep, the one I'm trying to do work in.

Maybe additional reliable power generation should be put online rather than closing power plants and building rather quixotic and unreliable renewables, eh?

Happily they did not cut power during a meeting and no one got stuck in the elevator. But, as the temperature kept going up, as a protective measure I decided to work from home after my last in-person meeting in the afternoon.

Just as well that I did, as within an hour after I got home, the sky opened up hard with a really impressive thunderstorm that rattled windows and knocked out traffic lights all along the route I would have taken home. 

Power got knocked at home three times, but happily it did come back on.

That DTE addresses these issues by doing deliberate brownouts instead of working to generate power to meet demand as part of their and the Democrats running this state's greenie approach to things is rather pathetic and a lack of reliable power is going to be a major problem for this state.


Matthew W said...

It's almost like they want us to live in a 3rd world.............

Rick T said...

We live in the 3rd world while *they* live in no-cut blocks that will never be browned out or shut off.

Old NFO said...

Just like Commie...er...California...

Aaron said...

Matthew W: Yep, Gov Whitmer wants us to be like California, blackouts and all at the same time pushing plug-in EVs on an outdated, unreliable power grid while shutting down reliable power generation. What could possibly go wrong?

Rick T: Too right.

Old NFO: Sadly yes, that's what the Democrats here are trying to fundamentally transform us into.