Monday, August 05, 2024

Mass Shooting In Detroit Was Unsurprisingly By The Usual Suspects

A mass shooting in Detroit that didn't make much of a wave in the national news and hasn't caught too much attention here aside from some initial calls by the Dems for more gun control.  Why? Well, the reason is unsurprising.

The Detroit Free Press: Detroit police: Illegal block party mass shooting was gang-related, $10K reward offered

Illegal block parties attended by youths with a gang dispute leading to a mass shooting as gang members swap rounds. 

The July 7 mass shooting that claimed the lives of two young people and injured 19 others in a hail of bullets during an illegal east-side block party was gang-related, the Detroit Police Department announced Thursday.

At least one of the victims was the intended target at the block party on Rossini Drive near Reno Street, Detroit Police Chief James White said in a video update, but did not elaborate further. Details about the party had been posted on social media prior to the event, drawing over 300 people to the area, some from more than 50 miles away.

The public has demanded answers since the mass shooting, the state's worst since at least 2013.

The answer is pretty simple, really: Tolerating and holding illegal block parties with gang members and "youths" attending and partying into the early hours of the morning results in a likely location with people consuming items that reduce their inhibitions, with many not knowing how to behave to begin with, and rather predictable resultant acts of violence. 

Illegal block parties attended by youths with a gang dispute leading to a mass shooting as gang members (most likely with prior felonies) swap rounds isn't a great hill for gun controllers to campaign on.  

This is especially so as at least some of the victims were gang members and potentially participants in the firefight, and the whole gathering was illegal to begin with.

Of course, they'll try to use it anyways, but it doesn't have the elements that would really let them dance in the blood.

Anyone who went there certainly violated the Do Not go to Stupid Places, with Stupid People, to do Stupid Things rule.


B said...

"Illegal block parties"

You misspelled "Black"

Old NFO said...

Nah, has to be those pesky Norwegians...

Fredrick said...

I see Whitmer is maintaining roads almost as well as Granholm did.