Friday, March 31, 2017

Detroit Democrats Helping To Lose The Real War on Women

It's not just the corruption that's endemic to one-party controlled cities. It's the incompetence. That incompetence, combined with a revolving door justice system leads to criminals being allowed to remain free to prey upon their victims, in some cases repeatedly.

The Detroit News: 2nd backlog of untested Detroit rape kits found

A second backlog of more than 500 untested Detroit rape kits languished in storage for years after more than 11,000 other unprocessed evidence packages were discovered in a warehouse in 2009, prosecutors say. Out-of-state laboratory workers discovered 555 additional untested rape packages while testing some of the untested rape kits that were found in 2009 in a police warehouse, Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor Maria Miller told The additional rape kits were collected by Detroit police in 2010 and 2011, and eventually sent for testing in 2015.

The failure to process these kits have allowed rapists to remain free to commit other crimes against women. You can read the article for plenty of examples of criminals who would have, and should have, been caught had those tests been done rather than shuffled away, but one statistic leaps out:

Worthy said earlier this month that testing of the pre-2009 kits resulted in 78 convictions and the identification of 784 suspected serial rapists believed to have committed sex assaults 10 to 15 times each.

That's 784 uncaught criminals committing in total between 7,840 to 11,760 rapes on women in Detroit alone.

Think about that - 7,840 to 11,760 rapes in one city alone by a small bunch of criminals allowed to go free due to the failure to process basic evidence from the scenes of the crime. Considering Detroit is a city of less than a million in population, that's a horrific statistic. That's your real war on women right there.

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