Monday, August 19, 2024

London Trip #1 - Across The Pond

Trip 1 began on August 7 as I met Mr. B and we headed to Detorit's Airport.

We got through security without issue and boarded the plane to London, England leaving Michigan after 6:00 pm.


You can put the flight information into Foreflight and see the route they have filed. Kinda neat to see we ere moving along at 450 knots and climbing.

It was a smooth flight, and 8 hours later we arrived on August 8.

We then had fun navigating the tube to our hotel in Trafalgar Square, complete with a transit worker at Heathrow sending us in the completely wrong direction to catch the proper train. 

We sorted that out, and found the right subway train and route, even though the London underground steadfastly refuses to put a "You Are Here" marking on their rather extensive maps of the underground, and headed into town.

We changed subway trains at Paddington Station on our way.

Sadly, No bears were spotted.

We soon arrived at Trafalgar Square 


and after walking around went to our hotel and dropped of our luggage as we had arrived way before check-in time.

The adventure had begun.


Old NFO said...

Heh, yeah, the Undeground is NOT user friendly to those who don't know it...

Aaron said...

Old NFO: Yep, took a bit to figure out but once we did it wasn't bad.