Friday, August 09, 2024

52 Times Around The Sun

 So today is my birthday. Been a lot of changes this past year, but things are working out.

Turning 52 is going well so far, and adventures and appropriate celebration are underway of which more will be blogged on later.


juvat said...

Happy Birthday, Aaron! May you have many more!

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

Happy birthday. I guess you are now officially "middle age"

markshere2 said...

Yer doing good for a young'un!
Flyin, divin raisin kids - good on ya.
Keep living life large!

Midwest Chick said...

Happy birthday!

michigan doug said...

Better slow down old man. Happy Birthday.

Old NFO said...

Hippo birdie to ewe!

drjim said...

Happy Birthday, Aaron! May you have many more.

Matthew W said...

Happy Birthday