Monday, July 15, 2024

Well This Has Been Fun

In my absence from blogging, I took younger child to University if Florida for her orientation.  More on that later. In short, it was incredibly well organized, information flowed by the ton, and she's now really looking forward to attending and has already made new friends with some great kids.

However, at some point, whether it was during Preview, sitting in the airport, or on the plane ride home, or even in the shuttle on the way to get back to the car I got exposed to Covid.

So this is now my fourth bout of Covid. Yay.

Certainly worse than my third bout with it, which solely showed up on a test with no symptoms.

For the fourth exposure, instead of nothing, I got the ugly full on man-flu effect.  

Massive tiredness and lack of energy for the past three days, and a fever and congestion along with it.  Basically, I believed it was a flu until I did a Covid test, and that home test started glowing positive so quickly, it was impressive to watch.

Rations for the next few days will likely consist of pizza, pancakes, flounder, and whatever else is flat and can be slid under a door. 

Not pleasant, but it feels just like a flu with no more ugliness than that, and no respiratory distress.

I think I'm already starting to improve so blogging will catch up as I catch up with work etc.

Thankfully younger daughter, who was with me the entire time, has no symptoms whatsoever and likely didn't get covided. Go figure.


B said...

I'm not a Doctor (But I slept with one).

I recommend drinking whiskey, 2 ounces every hour until you can't find your mouth, then cut it back to one ounce an hour.
If you can get your BAC high enough, the covid germs die off quickly.


Beans said...

Regarding Gainesville, be aware that the politics on and off campus are why UF has been known as the "Berkeley of the South."

Relatively nice town for the most part, kind of, sort of. Our city council is full of idiots, morons and leftists. We even had one city commissioner put forth the wish to eliminate all plastics in food and grocery (but settling on straws and bags) because our plastics were destroying the oceans. Please, seriously, our garbage landfill is 150' above sea level. If our garbage is ending up in the ocean, then plastics are the least of our worries.

UF has gotten somewhat better after Gov. DeSantis forced some levels of sensibility on it.

Aaron said...

Mr. B.: Yep, but it would be an open question as to whether the Covid dies off before I die off from drinking that much.

Beans: Their current university President seems to be doing a good job moving them away from the woke BS, and the Preview sessions were very practical, competent, and woke-free. Overall, I'm rather impressed with how amazing a university it is.

Beans said...

Bigly thing about living in Florida is.. PUBLIX supermarkets. They are the best. Excellent selection and clean.