Friday, July 26, 2024

1984 In 2024


It's interesting to watch the Media rewrite history in real-time to support their latest candidate for president. One problem in doing so with recent history is that people still remember the facts and often the old reporting that was rewritten still can be retrieved thanks to the Internet.

In an attempt to support their Party and refurbish appointed candidate Kamala Harris's image, elements in the media are literally rewriting their prior reports on her history.


Axios, for example, is now denying she was ever appointed as border czar in 2021, a job she didn't just fail at completely (visiting the border all of once and doing absolutely nothing) but failed so badly her appointment must now be rewritten from history. 

Axios, after previously reporting at the time she that was appointed "Border Czar" now comes out and states she was never appointed as border czar, it didn't happen, and they were "incorrect" in their past reporting: 


Eric Bolling: What Do You Mean 'Border Czar?': Axios Hit With Community Note After Contradicting Own Reporting on Kamala Harris


Many other Media talking heads are repeating the same revision to history, contradicting and denying what they themselves reported but a couple years ago.

GovTrack, also doing its part for Kamala, has now erased its prior record that showed her as having the most liberal voting record in the Senate in 2019. This removal just occurred in the last two weeks. 


It will be interesting to see what else gets rewritten or "re-explained" by the media to try and erase the problematic parts of her record as she moves on to be the Democrat's selected candidate.

"History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.". ― George Orwell, 1984.


B said...

Why should we expect differently? They've been doing the same for climate records and news stories for years.

Aaron said...

True but the sheer blatancy of it considering how recent the history is that they are now trying to edit is rather impressive.

Matthew W said...

Not even hiding it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Old NFO said...

Bright spot is the interwebz archive is FOREVER!!!