Friday, January 31, 2025

No TDSers, The Helicopter - Jet Collision Is Not Trump's Fault

 The collision between a Blackhawk Helicopter and an American Airlines (flown by PSA Airlines) Regional Jet has brought all the anti-Trumpers out of the woodwork.

Those with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome are already blaming Trump for the accident - without any evidence. In some case ridiculously claiming it is due to chaos caused by Trump or his announcement ending DEI policies in government. This from many who should know better and are typically rational - except when it comes to Trump.

The NTSB will fully investigate and we will get answers in time. 

The DC area airspace is very congested and busy.  In fact a similar collision was narrowly averted the day before between a helicopter and a passenger jet.

So far, it appears to be likely the Blackhawk pilot was both flying above the appropriate corridor for helicopter traffic and the pilot identified the wrong aircraft.  The pilot apparently saw the departing one when the Tower Controller asked the pilot if the pilot had the traffic visually rather than the landing jet that was involved in the crash. Now,  the pilot responded they did have visual o the aircraft, which makes traffic separation primarily the pilot's responsibility at that point. Unfortunately, at night it appears the pilot identified the wrong aircraft and apparently did not have a visual on the PSA jet. 

The Tower controller meanwhile did not pick up on the fact that the Blackhawk was 200 feet above the 200 foot ceiling for helicopters in the area that put it in the flight path of the landing jet, nor did the helicopter pilot.

So were DEI policies to blame?  At this point it is quite simply too early to tell if those policies were a factor.

Indeed it is unknown if the controller or Blackhawk pilot were DEI-hires.  If they were there's going to be plenty of blame to go around. The Tower controller did not pick up on the fact that the Blackhawk was reportedly 200 feet outside of the appropriate flight path and in the flight path of the jet, and the helicopter pilot also seems to have made a series of mistakes leading to the incident.

Now, the Tower at Reagan is understaffed and apparently one controller was doing two jobs at the time of the incident which can lead to important things being overlooked and open the opportunity for accidents. Not hiring qualified white applicants to continue to try and find non-white DEI-scoring applicants may be a partial factor in the shortage of controllers.

In short, the full cause of the incident is not fully known and will not definitively be known until the NTSB completes its investigation. So no it cannot be definitively said what the cause was or if DEI was a factor in the crash but human factors certainly are the primary factor in this incident and DEI hiring doesn't enhance safety in aviation.

DEI has been reducing safety in aviation in a quest to hire a diverse workforce, reducing merit and aptitude as the key factor in hiring and repalcing it with diversity.

Did Biden and Obama adopt hiring polices based on DEI/Affirmative Action rather than merit and ability?  Yes, yes they did.

Did their administrations act in a way to hire unqualified controllers, including feeding Black applicants answers to the controller entrance exam to make sure they can pass the test and get hired?  Yes, yes they did.

Did the FAA even refuse to hire qualified applicants because they were white, while at the same time musing in presentations as to how much of a change in job performance is acceptable in performing diversity goals? Yes, yes they did.

In case you're wondering the answer to that question is that no change in job performance is acceptable  - you either can do the job competently or you cannot regardless of your race or background.  There are plenty of Black and female controllers that are more than fully capable and stand on their own merits and ability as controllers. That they were accepting lower performance in their quest to hire a DEI-workforce and get their ratios up is at the very least shameful and at worst horrific in reducing safety in a quest for DEI-compliance.

Time spent in DEI-sensitivity training could certainly be better spent on piloting skill improvement or aircraft controlling training.

So no, the collision is not President Trump's fault, and we don't know yet if or how much DEI hiring and focus was a factor in the incident.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Clearly The Problem Is Not Spending Enough Money on Education

An interesting report out of Illinois.

In over 30 public schools, none, as in not one, zero, not a single kid, is reading at their appropriate grade level.

Note that the per pupil spending ranges in these 30 schools from an outlying low of $8,861 up to an astonishing $56,311, with an average of $21,000 per student among the 30 schools and this is the result you get. That kind of spending is on par with private school tuition at some of the best private schools -with unquestionably far worse results.

Similarly, in all of Maryland Public Schools, half of all the third graders were not reading at grade level.

In Detroit Public Schools, 88% of third graders were under grade level in reading.

It's as if public schools were not there to educate but instead fund the Teacher's and Administrator's Unions to funnel money back to the Democrats in return for more public money for higher salaries and benefits and then rinse and repeat.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Neither Snow, Nor Rain, Nor Heat....

I'm sure, you've heard that before, the US Postal Service Creed.

However, the Creed does not mention Cold, which apparently stops deliveries dead, even when its no longer -5F out and its now a balmy 19 degrees and sunny - practically t-shirt weather in Michigan.

Verily, the creed doth some more aspirational and not a code but more like guidelines.

I had a package ordered a couple weeks ago, properly and promptly shipped by the vendor in Texas on January 17,  the same day as it was ordered even which is great service, and it was supposed to be delivered January 20.

It arrived on January 20 at the Pontiac, Michigan Regional Facility and has not moved an inch since.  Tracking gives a deceptive message that it is "In Transit to next facility. Arriving Late."

No kidding USPS. No kidding it is arriving late, as the transit to next facility seems to be done by snails at best.  There have been no updates as to the whereabouts of the package since January 24, so I;m beginning to doubt the veracity of the statement that it is "in transit" - unless that means put in a postal worker's pocket and taken in transit to their home.

Update: Finally arrived after sitting at the Pontiac "Distribution" Center office for 9 flipping days.  Sheesh.

An Actual Demonstration Of American Soft Power

Or: Walk Softly and Carry A Big Tariff.

So, the leftist President of Colombia decided on Sunday to refuse to permit US repatriation flights of criminal illegal aliens back to Colombia.

President Trump was playing golf at the time, apparently on the third hole.

Instead of waiting for the State Department to wring its hands, President Trump ordered heavy tariffs of Colombian goods until the situation was rectified and the criminal illegals were taken back.

Democrats of course bemoaned this claiming he would make flowers and coffee more expensive for Americans. With performative drama by AOC and the usual suspects.

The President of Colombia caved before Trump even finished his golf game, even offering to send his presidential plane to pickup the illegals and return them to Colombia.

The New York Post: Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro buckles under Trump’s trade war threat — offers presidential plane for deportation flights

Talk about immediate and effective diplomacy right there. That was a real exercise of American "Soft Power" to protect American interests, compared to all the wishy-washy talk of such under Obama and Biden. 

Quite a refreshing change, that.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Black Nazis - Are You Allowed To Hate Black Nazis?

I mean, you have clear permission to hate Illinois nazis.

However, in today's weird world of teens with mental health problems, we get not only Black White Supremacists, but now we also have Black Nazis. Or at least we had one.

The Detroit Free Press: Antioch school shooting: What to know about attack in Nashville that left 2 dead

You wouldn't know a key fact if you only got your info from the Detroit Free Press on this murderous scumbag.

The killer mentioned in the article as a "teen boy" with "professing alleged alt-right extremist views about "race mixing," who did the shooting, and then saved everyone the cost of a trial, was Black.

Kind of a relevant and indeed surprising detail, neh?  Impressively not mentioned at all.

Townhall: After These Details, the Antioch High School Shooting Is Going to Get Suffocated by the Media

Yep the killer was indeed a Black Nazi.   Who knew?

That he was a Black nazi likely indicates his education up until he took himself out of the gene pool (sadly killing an innocent while doing so), was rather inadequate when it came to both history and political philosophy. Indeed, this is  likely yet another teen with mental illness acting out.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


It's a tad cold out there right now. Heck, it's downright chilly.

The Detroit News: Brutal cold keeps icy grip on SE Michigan

Some roads are closed in the area due to black ice and slipperiness.  Lone Pine Road with its hills is closed as you're an out of control roller-coaster in your car if you go on it right now - inclduign slipping backwards down the hills.

The roundabouts were just a treat to drive through today, as you slip sideways while going round the circle which is really not as much fun as it sounds.

It's almost cold enough to the point where you can throw a boiling pot of water up in the air and it is absorbed into the atmosphere before it hits the ground.  

We should hit that temperature soon and it'll be fun to do.

In short, yep, we officially are in winter conditions in Michigan.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Speaking Of Perjury

In a local case, I have come across some nice perjury by the other side.

I represent the co-trustee of her now deceased husband's trust.

The other co-trustee is the daughter of the husband from the prior marriage.

This is really bad planning on the now deceased husband's part, as daughter of the husband from the prior marriage is harassing the widow and trying to get her out of the house that the husband left to her so long as she lives there by making ridiculous demands as co-trustee.

She also has a very aggressive lawyer that is doing her best to make things as difficult and expensive as possible.

Indeed, they keep demanding, among other things, a key so they can access and insect the house whenever they want which is not provided for in the trust nor does my client want that, especially as some of the family are less than savory characters.

Now when the husband died, co-trustee daughter and brother came and picked up his firearms.

Whole the trust says this stuff should be sold (and my client gets 40% of it per the trust) they refused to sell them.

They have also been claiming my client still has the handgun. My client says no it was picked up with the long guns and there's a picture of it on the table with the guns the day they picked them up.

So I do some digging.

1.  We find out the brother is a convicted felon and shouldn't be in possession of the firearms. 

2.  I send the other attorney some discovery and in the answers find that they still claim my client has the handgun, claiming she told them she would keep it, and they sold firearms on November 11 2024 without notice to us - and while claiming they still had them and were refusing to sell them!  They were sold for very low amounts I might add.  But they don't reveal what they actually sold - but they did include a copy of the check showing the store they sold them at.

3. So, I subpoena the store for their records of the transaction, as one does.

Lo and behold, the handgun  --the very one they still claim my client has --  is one of the firearms sold to the store and the Michigan transfer form for the handgun is signed by the co-trustee herself. The same co-trustee who claims that my client still has the handgun.


Incidentally, they sold a nice Colt .22 target pistol worth between $500-900 (given the condition of it seen in the picture likely nearer the high end) for $225.00.

Now the co-trustee has clearly lied in her discovery responses, which is likely why, in contravention to the court rules, she did not sign nor swear to their validity as is required.

I've asked her attorney to have her do so (obviously without telling her what I just found), and then we'll have some nice sworn perjury, which should help getting them to stop being such idiots and may help resolve the case.  We will see.

The Biden Crime Family Pardons Its Own

The news hasn't picked up that in addition to Milley, Fauci, and the Jan 6 committee, Joe just preemptively pardoned a lot of his family members:

Executive Grant of Clemency
President of the United States of America



A FULL AND UNCONDITIONAL PARDON FOR ANY NONVIOLENT OFFENSES against the United States which they may have committed or taken part in during the period from January I, 2014, through the date of this pardon.

Note that interesting January 1 2014 date.  It is the same period as that extended to Hunter Biden. Yep, that includes the time Hunter was off enriching the family's pockets and doing tax fraud among other things, and likely the other family members were benefiting from that corruption nicely.

Verily, The Cabal Protects Its Own

Fox News: Biden pardons Mark Milley, Anthony Fauci, J6 committee members

The President's power to pardon is absolute. Presidential pardons are, of course, unreviewable and cannot be challenged.

Now, we've never had a situation where the president is less than compos in his mentis, and others are directing him as to the signing of pardons and even where to sign on the papers, but here we are. 

MSN: Full List of Joe Biden's Last Minute Pardons—Anthony Fauci, Liz Cheney, More

The MSN/Newsweek's "full list" isn't actually the full list of those pardoned, we'll have to wait for that to actually come out.  So far Cassidy Hutchinson whose hearsay testimony  we discussed before on this blog, the one who made the salacious claim that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel before the Jan 6 Committee and admitted she lied before the committee is not listed so far. Considering one of the potential claims against Liz Cheney is that she suborned Cassidy Hutchinson;s perjury before the committee, this may be interesitng.

While all those listed so far have been pardoned, it does make for an interesitng result in that none of therm can now can refuse to testify before investigative committees now as they no longer need fear being self incriminated as they cannot be prosecuted for their testimony.

That could get interesting.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Meme For The Morrow

Time to  move forwards and undo the damage of 4 years of Biden (or whoever was actually running the Presidency - more and more revelations are coming out that he was not fit to be president while in office).


I expect the media will halfheartedly apologize, if at all, for their lack of any watchdog mode and covering for Biden while he was in office and acting more like lapdogs.   I expect they will also swear to be extra alert watchdogs while Trump is in office - as they seem to do whenever control switches from a Democrat to a Republican president.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

2 More Years

On the upside, we have only two more years of Gov. Whitmer to suffer through.

On the downside that's two more years of lost time and opportunities for her to do more damage to the state of our state.

On the upside, Gov. Whitmer now appears far less interested in governing than she is in travel out of our state and shopping for her next Democrat political post.

The Detroit News:  Where's Whitmer?

Whitmer was on her A-game when she thought there was a chance she could be the vice-presidential pick for a second Biden administration. She couldn’t stay offline or off the campaign trail, buttering up to be in Kamala Harris’ cabinet, once the winds turned that way.

But throughout the past year, she has shown little interest in Michigan’s real needs, favoring her book tour and out-of-state travel over more homegrown issues, many of which beg for her involvement.

.  .  .

Instead, she spent about 25% of her time in the first nine months of 2024 outside the state promoting her book on Martha’s Vineyard, San Francisco, and elsewhere, an amount of travel that exceeded her own past totals. Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist was paid as acting governor for much of that time.

Another significant chunk of time was spent on content creation for her social media presence, which revolved around abortion, her book and Democratic campaigning — not governing. 

Whitmer then left Democrats in the Legislature on their own in lame duck, abdicating any leadership or role in negotiations. She gave lip service to legislative priorities, such as transparency, disclosure and economic development, that she did not see through.

At least she wasn't partying in Ghana on the taxpayer's dime as her city burned, so there's that. 

I suppose we can be thankful as the more she stays away from the state, the less damage she can do. After all this state suffered a lost decade under Gov. Granholm, who has ended up in Berkeley, California and served as Biden's Secretary of Energy, thus doing unto the country what she did unto our state.  

Looks like we will have a lost eight years under Whitmer, and if the Democrats regain power nationally in four years she'll be on her way to Washington to again give the country a taste of the failure (but progressive media star) that she has been at the state level.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Getting The Kid Back To School


With all the weather on Friday night/Saturday getting the kid back to U Florida from Michigan was quite a challenge.  

The original plan was DTW-ATL-GNV leaving at an ungodly early 4:45 am from DTW, so needing to be at the airport ugly early.


Fun was driving to the airport in the snow. 

Snow that not a plow had touched at all.  In fact while, driving I saw all of one plow on the entire route.


The roads leading to the highway were absolutely snow covered. 

The highways themselves had no lane markings visible under the snow.


Thankfully the snow was not slippery icy stuff but more of a packing-snow type, so while slow going, it was reasonably safe going. 

Oakland County seems to be busy spending money on DEI rather than basic competencies like snow removal.


DEI and other progressive gee-gaws are luxury spending that, while a waste of money, should only even be considered after you have your core competencies down pat. Sadly they're sexier to Democrats than things like safe and clean roads.

Get to the airport at 2:00 am, the flight was soon announced as cancelled due to the mess in Atlanta.  Weather will do that.

Got her rescheduled to Jacksonville (would have to have had her Uber all the way to Gainesville but it was something) and got her through security at 6am for an 8 am departure.  Should be good as a direct flight bypassing Atlanta, right?



That flight was then cancelled due to lack of crew availability due to the weather messing up the system.


Then, I got her rescheduled back onto a later DTW-ATL-GNV flight at 10 am, which then was pushed back to 11 am and then was announced for boarding which was a good sign.


The flight boarded. But there was then a 1 hour delay sitting at the gate due to Atlanta being stacked for receiving aircraft.


They then got clearance to go, and they were off without incident around 1pm and landed in Atlanta. The ATL-GNV flight, then got rescheduled quite a few times but they got clearance to go around 6pm and she finally got back to Gainesville.


Upon landing, the pilot wished them all a happy semester and “Go Gators!” which was a very nice touch.  She met friends on te plane as it was mainly students heading back and shared an Uber getting to the dorm.

Through all the delays and weather trouble, the Delta  customer service reps were super helpful in rescheduling her flights and working to get her there.  


Thanks to Delta, the flight crews, and all the customer service representatives for all their hard work yesterday under some very trying circumstances. 


Having around 2 hours of sleep and hanging around the airport for hours trying to get her home did not make me a happy camper.  But she got there safely and that's what matters.   We could not get here there earlier to beat the weather as the dorms weren't open for students to return until Saturday, which is stupid. 


But she's now safe and sound in happy warm Florida.  I'm done shoveling out from the latest snowfall and back at work. 

Tuesday, January 07, 2025


The Detroit News: Canada's Trudeau announces resignation after nearly a decade as prime minister

After a decade of insipid, woke, and corrupt leadership, Trudeau is finally leaving before he can be defeated in an election.

This is why you don't elect a substitute teacher whose only qualifications were his looks and family name as the leader of your country folks.

Monday, January 06, 2025

A Neat Hanukkah Discovery

The Times of Israel: ‘Miracle’ hoard of Hasmonean coins discovered during Hanukkah in Jordan Valley dig

 The Hasmoneans were the descendants of the Maccabees, so finding a hoard of coins belonging to Alexander Jannaeus during Hanukkah is rather cool, and timely.

These coins, made of bronze,  are known as prutahs or lepta (plural: leptons).

 For my Christian readers, these prutahs of Jannaeus are agreed upon by scholars to be the coins referred to as the "Widow's Mite" in the Christian bible  (Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4).  These coins are rather inexpensive at $35-$75 or so, and are a nice addition to any coin collection or just to have as a very neat historic item with significance for both Jews and Christians.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Release Criminals, Let Them Kill, Call For Gun Control, Repeat

Note well the article subheading puts this under "What to know about the growing threat of gun violence".

The Detroit Free Press:  Suspects charged with murder, child kidnapping in Northfield Township tragedy

So Shuvonne Vinson along with her criminal associates breaks into a house, kills two of the three adults living there, wounds a third adult, and kidnaps 2 kids.

Clearly a gun violence problem, right?

Not so fast.

The buried lede of her criminal record and how she has been let off by a soft-on-crime criminal justice system gets let slip, a mere 21 paragraphs below the headline:

Vinson's previous criminal history includes a 2017 drug possession charge, which she pleaded guilty to, and a February 2024 case when she racked up 13 charges, the majority of them involving weapons. She ultimately pleaded guilty in June that year to carrying a concealed weapon. All other charges were dismissed, court records show.

So, in 2024 instead of a nice long time in jail, after getting hit with 13 charges all are dismissed in July, except for a felony concealed weapons charge.  She doesn't get much jail time for that, if she got any at all - she's then released and free to go out and about and participates in killing and kidnapping less than six months later.

This isn't a gun violence problem, this is a progressive judicial system releasing felons with mere slaps on the wrist until they go out and kill someone problem.

Friday, January 03, 2025

From Not A Terrorist Attack To "He Was Totes On His Own" In No Time Flat

So the FBI is now assuring us that not only was the New Orleans Islamic terrorist indeed committing an act of terrorism, but he completely acted on his own.

The Detroit News: FBI says driver in New Orleans rampage acted alone, was '100%' inspired by Islamic State group

Awfully quick and convenient to come to that conclusion, especially as the mosque he attended is telling its members not to talk to the FBI or other investigators.   Especially as up until the narrative needed to be changed they stated he had worked with others.

The mosque officials their post called it a terrible event (much along the lines of some people did something) and put in quotes  that the FBI is now calling it an "act of terror". 

The mosque and imams there are rather interesting, but likely not atypical.

Perhaps the FBI should investigate a bit more before jumping to conclusions, especially as their initial conclusion that it was not a terrorist event was, shall we say, rather missed the plot and was contrary to all evidence.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Of Lame Ducks, Chicken Eggs, and Chicken Sh*T

The Lame Duck session in Michigan is rapidly going from tragedy to farce as the Democrats who control the legislature and executive are trying to ram through as much of their progressive wish-list as they can.

Already their progressive agenda is causing both an egg shortage, and an increase in the price of eggs in Michigan from a law that had already passed and now goes into effect:

The Detroit Free Press:  Michigan to require cage-free eggs Jan. 1: What it means for you

Because with egg prices already up due to Bidenflation, it is the perfect time to ram through a massive and expensive change to practically all of Michigan's egg farmers in order to satisfy a progressive agenda.

Now for the Chicken Sh*t. 

Of course the Michgian Dems had to push through a lot of anti-gun bills:

 NRA-ILA:  Michigan: Anti-Gun Legislation Passed in the Middle of the Night Heads To Governor’s Desk

The Dems even introduced a bill to ban "deceptively colored firearms".

Why are Democrats so obsessed about color, whether in people or things?

The bill would ban not just possessing a firearm if it was not black, brown, dark gray, dark green, silver, steel or nickel - put also possessing any "deceptive coloring product" that could change the color of a firearm to something other than black, brown, dark gray, dark green, silver, steel or nickel.

Got some spray paint in your possession in anything other than the above approved colors?   

Under the bill, you have a "deceptive coloring product" and are now committing a misdemeanor punishable by a year in jail and/or a $500 fine.   Unsurprisingly, state and federal agencies are exempt from this law.

Thankfully this has stalled out.

But its amazing the stupid things that anti-gun right Democrats can do with control of the legislative and executive branches. (Thank you so much Tudor Dixon, Kristina Karamo, and Matthew Deperno for running the worst and most tone-deaf campaigns in 2020 when the race was yours to lose, and lose it you did, giving us this mess.)

Quite a lot more got pushed through.

- A tax break for data centers, including exempting their equipment from sales tax, because there's no capitalism like Democrat Crony Capitalism.  Note well the Democrats absolutely fought tooth and nail against lowering the sales tax for all the people of Michigan, but have no problems giving their buddies a complete exemption.

- increasing unemployment insurance benefits which will increase the costs to business that have to pay the premiums, and qualifying domestic violence victims to be able to get unemployment payments if they quit their job.

- and much more to the detriment of the people of this state.

And of course, it wouldn't be Dems running things without a farce, as even controlling the House, Senate and Governor's office they still couldn't get their act together.

The Detroit Free Press:  Michigan's Democratic trifecta hits logjam amid lame-duck chaos

As lawmakers entered the final stretch of the lame-duck session in Lansing on Wednesday, they seemed to turn finger-pointing into a competitive sport.

The absence of one House Democrat — state Rep. Karen Whitsett, D-Detroit — denied Democrats a quorum Wednesday with all House Republicans absent as they continued to prolong their protest to force votes on legislation to preserve Michigan's tipped minimum wage and preempt forthcoming changes to paid sick leave. Whitsett did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment.

 Yep, even controlling it all, they couldn't force all their agenda past the finish line.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

23 Years Since 9/11

And the FBI is still fundamentally unserious when it comes to Islamic Terrorism.

From Breitbart: FBI: New Orleans Ramming Suspect Identified as ‘Shamsud Din Jabbar’

The suspect accused of plowing a pickup truck through a crowd on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing 10 and injuring at least 30 on New Year’s Day, is named Shamsud Din Jabbar, according to a law enforcement source, reported.

The outlet also reported the suspect is 42 years old and that he was carrying an Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) flag in the vehicle.

Police shot and killed him after the attack.

The attack occurred around 3:15 a.m.

FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Aletha Duncan first said the attack was not a “terrorist event.”
Not “a terrorist event”.

One wonders what act if any by Islamists would qualify as a terrorist event for the FBI?

Of course, they eventually said that yes, the Islamist running his truck into a crowd, with  IEDs in the truck, and flying an ISIS flag (which interestingly was covered up and concealed by the FBI initially), was indeed a terrorist attack. 

Amazing powers of deduction the FBI has.  Sherlock Holmes would be most impressed.