Friday, January 24, 2025

Black Nazis - Are You Allowed To Hate Black Nazis?

I mean, you have clear permission to hate Illinois nazis.

However, in today's weird world of teens with mental health problems, we get not only Black White Supremacists, but now we also have Black Nazis. Or at least we had one.

The Detroit Free Press: Antioch school shooting: What to know about attack in Nashville that left 2 dead

You wouldn't know a key fact if you only got your info from the Detroit Free Press on this murderous scumbag.

The killer mentioned in the article as a "teen boy" with "professing alleged alt-right extremist views about "race mixing," who did the shooting, and then saved everyone the cost of a trial, was Black.

Kind of a relevant and indeed surprising detail, neh?  Impressively not mentioned at all.

Townhall: After These Details, the Antioch High School Shooting Is Going to Get Suffocated by the Media

Yep the killer was indeed a Black Nazi.   Who knew?

That he was a Black nazi likely indicates his education up until he took himself out of the gene pool (sadly killing an innocent while doing so), was rather inadequate when it came to both history and political philosophy. Indeed, this is  likely yet another teen with mental illness acting out.


Matthew W said...

Blacks can't be racist...................................

Old NFO said...

It's truly sad that he took an innocent girl with him.