Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Left Finally Vandalises An Actual Nazi Monument

It took them long enough, with much time busily taken up by defacing monuments to Lincoln, Grant, Churchill, and others, but the antifa-types have finally found an actual monument honoring Nazis to deface.

In Canada.

The Ottawa Citizen: Graffiti on memorial to Nazi SS division now being investigated as vandalism

Yes, the monument does indeed honor the Ukrainians of the 14th Waffen Grenadier (1st Galicia) SS Division, who were shipped over en masse to Canada at the end of World War 2.

The monument is a private one in Oakville, Ontario (near-ish Toronto) Oakville on the the grounds of the St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Cemetery. The Toronto area has a very large Ukrainian community, many of them the actual SS members of the division or their descendants.

Adding to the irony, the vandalism when it was first discovered was initially being investigated as an anti-Ukrainian hate crime.

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