Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus Theater Or Epic Fail?

So the kids' schools will be closed tomorrow and Monday due to coronavirus planning.

However, to prevent the kids from panicking they decided to do a presentation to the Middle School kids about the coronavirus to allay their fears.

How did they do the presentation?

By packing them in grade by grade at a time, 150+ kids at a time, cheek by jowl, into one room, to listen to a presentation about the coronovirus.

Head desk.

Community spread, you're doing it wrong.

Luckily, there's still not a single person in that school or even area with diagnosed Coronovirus and still only one in thew whole county, and not near here.



Old NFO said...

Wow...Bonus points for stupidity???

B said...

It is often difficult to determine whether actions like this are malice, theater or just plain incompetence