Thursday, May 30, 2024

Pier Today, Gone Tomorrow

So the US JLOTS pier off of Gaza, designed to funnel in further aid (and try to shore up Islamic votes for Biden) has broken up and is no more for now.

The same pier that Hamas fired mortars at while it was being built and from which all the aid delivered was stolen by Hamas et al as soon as it got off the pier.  Per the Pentagon, NONE of the 569 tons aid was delivered to the broader civilian population of Gaza. As in Zero.

So yes, the United States just spent $320 million and a few military casualties (thankfully not fatalities) to deliver 569 tons of sustenance and supplies to a US-listed terrorist organization to keep it in the fight against Israel.

Heckuva job there Biden Administration.

For a properly scathing analysis of the failure by someone who is very astute and really knows what he is talking about when it comes to naval matters, see Cdr. Salamander's From Abbey Gate to Gaza.

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