Sunday, May 12, 2024

Comfort Minus

So the flight back home was in two parts.

From the Bahamas to Atlanta it was rather perfect and enjoyable with no issues.

However, from Atlanta back to Detroit was a whole different story.

I was flying Comfort Plus, as I bought that upgrade for a decent price from Main Cabin, mainly because I wanted to be sure to secure overhead bin space for my carry-on bag as it had expensive dive gear and a camera case in it, along with lithium batteries, and I didn't want it being banged around in checked luggage.

It was not to be.  Tons of passengers decided that they would put both their carrying on and their personal items (some of those "personal items" suspiciously looked like carry on size that would never fit under a seat) into the bins, taking up space including the space by my seat.  So my bag got placed rather a distance away from me and away from the exit, which meant I would pretty much be one of the last people off the plane as I could not reach my bag and could not swim upstream to get to it until everyone else got off. Not a huge deal, but annoying.

The Comfort Minus part came with my fellow passengers in my row.  I had the aisle seat.

Unfortunately, one of the largest women extant had the middle seat, and she spilled over both my side and into the passenger's space on the window seat side and she sure as heck required a seat-belt extender.  Forget about getting the interior armrests down, that wasn't going to happen.

So, I spent most of the flight sitting halfway on my seat and partially in the aisle, which got rather uncomfortable especially when the service carts came through. Meanwhile, the window passenger got really smushed against the hull of the aircraft for the flight.

Not particularly pleasant. At all.

If you need a seatbelt extender and your body goes into other people's seats, you should quite simply be required to purchase a second seat as you're taking up  more than one seat worth of space.

It is true that you may be grossly overweight due to no fault of your own due to a medical reason, or childhood trauma, or an overeating disorder, all of which can be sympathized with. But, you only paid for your seat space, not mine and the other passenger's space nor are you entitled to it, and you darn well knew at the time you wouldn't fit just in your seat.

That the airlines allow this out of fear of push-back from fat people "rights" groups is kinda ridiculous. If you take up more than one seat you should be required to pay for the additional seat, not get it at other passenger's expense.

Oh, and for the icing on the cake of that flight, my checked bag did not make the connection from the Bahamas flight to the Detroit flight, even with an hour layover, which caused me to hang around the Detroit airport for a couple hours for the next flight to bring it, so I got home the next day as I finally left the airport at 1 am.


Old NFO said...

Sigh... Welcome to air travel today!

Aaron said...

Old NFO: Yep, that return trip sure had its moments.