Saturday, May 11, 2024

Blackbeards Recap 7 - Pre-Airport Perambulations

Everyone needed to be off the boat by 9am, so we had a coffee and a continental breakfast, said our goodbyes. Some people headed right to the airport or their hotels if they were staying for another day, and the rest of us hung around the pool area at the dock waiitng for our scheduled shuttles to the airport.

Since we had plenty of time, I suggested we walk over and visit a fort that was nearby. So Gio, Jay, Morgan and I walked about 15 minutes along the shore to Ft. Montagu.

Ft. Montagu has an interesting history.  The oldest extant fort in the Bahamas, it was built starting in June 1741 and completed in July 1742 by the British.

The Americans then captured the Fort, along with the Bahamas governor, in 1776.  The British then retook it. The Spanish then captured it in 1782, and then the  British retook it once again, and in British hands it remained.

Several cannons remain at the fort, on their swiveling gun carriages.

The fort has a lovely and commanding view of the Harbor entrance;

It's a very nice, if rather small fort, and worth the small admission fee to get in and wander around.

Then, being thirsty on the way back in the heat, we stopped at a stand for some very fresh coconut water.

That was as fresh as you can get, and it was indeed very refreshing.

We then got back to the harbor area and waited for our shuttles to the airport.


B said...

Exercise at sea level is good to offgas nitrogen as well.
Especially if yer flying.

Old NFO said...

Nice little fort is right!

Aaron said...

B: Yep, lots of hydration and some gentle exercise was quite helpful.

Old NFO: Yep, it's pretty much a fortlet rather than a fort. Lot of history for such a small place.