Hard on the heels of the Confederate Air Force changing its name to the Commemorative Air Force to appease the forces of political correctness, we now hear the fabled Yankee Air Force Museum is about to change it's storied name as well.
The Detroit News: Air museum to drop ‘Yankee’ as it flies toward new era
The Yankee Air Museum will be soaring shortly into welcoming skies and a bright future, complete with an inspiring and appropriate new name.Either that, or the new name will be a sniveling kowtow to the gods of political correctness.
That depends on your perspective, and how strongly you feel about the word “Yankee.” But the part about soaring is hard to argue with.
As for the new name, the museum at Willow Run Airport expects to reveal it within two to six weeks, at the same time it officially acquires a chunk of the historic Willow Run bomber plant that churned out B24s during World War II.
So take a museum and show with world-wide name recognition linked to air shows and historic aircraft with no real (or even imagined) negative connotations, and change it for no good reason.
Perhaps it should be renamed the Troll Air Force because after all, it is under the bridge, and then it could sell these adorable critters
in the gift shop.
I actually wrote them and suggested that they change it to the Murphy's Law Air Museum and transfer title of their flyable aircraft to me in exchange for the honor. Maybe they're doing that? Because anything else would be craven and pathetic if it was just done for PC reasons.
I'm still upset over the "Commemorative" nonsense.
The previous moniker was drily witty. The new one is generic.
ML: I thought Aaron's Airforce would give it an AA rating myself.
Tam: Yep, it was quite the lame move, hopefully the Yankee Air Museum doesn't go the same way. I haven't heard too many people upset about the term Yankee around here.
Maybe you can suggest they rename themselves the Tactical Air Museum.
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