Monday, January 08, 2024

Every. Single. Time.

Yet again, continuing what has been the case since the reporting began under the Biden Administration, the Bureau of Labor's employment numbers are being yet again revised downwards after their initial happy result.

The New York Post: Initial US employment reports overstated by 439,000 jobs in 2023

This overstatement has occurred Every. Single. Time. the Bureau of Labor has released employment statistics under Biden.  The original happy pronouncements of job creation on the report, which Biden & Co is quick to take credit for, and which gets published widely, gets quietly walked back on a slow news day and revised downwards, by a significant amount.

That every single time the initial reports come out with a higher number than the corrected reality, with the correction published without any fanfare, and typically on a slow news Friday afternoon shows this is unlikely to be an honest mistake. 

In short, the Bureau of Labor's employment numbers under Biden have been politicized and are quite simply statistically unreliable. When all "mistakes" made in a series only go one way, that's a pretty sharp indication it;s not a mistake at all.

This is rather problematic as those politicized numbers are not just there give a false impression that things are going great, they are used to set policy, including by the Fed to adjust (and likely raise based on these false reports of rising employment) interest rates based on believing the economy is growing more than it actually is doing.


pigpen51 said...

I saw this awhile back, that every time they release employment numbers, they come back later and revise them downward when no one is looking.
Seems like the right thing to do, if you are a Democrat.

B said...

Oh how cynical you are.....

ccm2361 said...

Joe is following the Obama playbook to a T.
We saw this same gaming of teh numbers for most of Obama's presidency

Aaron said...

poigpen51: Yep, it's a very consistent trend on their part.

B: Just a tad, amazing how the error is always in the same direction, neh?

ccm2361: Yep they're not calling it Obama's 3rd Term for nothing.