Thursday, July 06, 2023

Lies, And Lying Liars, Who Lie: White House Cocaine Edition

"We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

We know members of the Biden Administration lie as naturally as breathing or perhaps even more naturally that that

The drama over cocaine being found in the White House has resulted in lies being snorted out of the White House with astonishing rapidity and regularity.

The most interesitng lies so far concern the constantly shifting location where the cocaine was actually found.

Red State:  Holy Coke: The White House Cocaine Story Changes Yet Again

The location of the cocaine discovery has now wandered from outside the White House, to inside the White House, to the White House lobby, to the White House library, to the West Wing, and now to the West Executive entrance, apparently with its final discovered place yet to be decided upon, depending on the needs of the narrative and likely to shield the bringer of said cocaine into the White House.

Why bother lying about where it was found? The claim that the Secret Service is unable to identify who left it, wherever it was in fact left, does defy belief and raises lots of questions as to the security measures protecting the White House.

Then again, why not bother lying about it?  Since this administration lies about just about everything, throwing a few lies and some misdirection about the cocaine found in the White House can make it a welcome distraction from other things they're lying about as well.


Midwest Chick said...

They now claim they can't answer any questions about it to avoid violating the Hatch Act. Dunno on that one.

pigpen51 said...

To be honest, I am sort of surprised that they even allowed this to see the light of day. Given the lack of transparency the Biden White House has shown thus far about just about everything, one would think that this would simply be swept under the rug. Or into a small vial and given back to Hunter with explicit instructions to not be so careless in the future with his toys.
Of course, with any other president, this would be the only story on every single news program, with round the clock reporting, a squad of vans situated outside the fence watching to see who was coming and leaving the White House, and speculating if there was going to be a special prosecutor appointed, with reports going back as far as Leon Jaworsky and how he handled the Nixon Watergate investigation.
But hey, it is old Uncle Joe, and he is moving kind of slow at Petticoat Junction. Oh, wait that was a different old Uncle Joe. Although now that I think about it, I wonder if we could make a trade? Nah, I think the actor is likely gone to that railroad in the sky. Just when I thought we had a chance.

ccm2361 said...

Can you imagine the upraor if a Trump Press Secretary, ever refused to answer a question?

It would be non-stop news 24/7 for weeks.

But with the Biden white house it seems to be a daily event.