Sunday, March 13, 2022

Mister, We Could Use Some Mean Tweets Again

Anyone else getting the sense that the Biden Administration just cannot get a handle on events?

Under Biden we have:

High Inflation and getting higher, brought on by the Biden Administration's policies;

Oil and energy prices climbing due to the Biden Administration's policies and Greeenie ideology hampering US production  at every turn;

The complete inability to deter Putin from invading Ukraine, and green-lighting  the way for that invasion with a public statement that a "Minor Incursion" might be considered acceptable and lead to only minor sanctions ;

Appeasing Iran and getting a US Consulate hit with ballistic missiles in return; 

and perhaps most importantly -

The complete inability of Biden and Kamala Harris to conduct themselves on the world stage.   It is a complete embarrassment at this point.  It's obvious and rather telling that Biden can -- at most -- maybe handle an hour's worth of a public appearance and then get whisked away without taking questions. Meanwhile Kamala messes up every high profile assignment she is sent on and looks like a deer caught in the headlights every time she's asked a question, and then she resorts to a nervous cackle and avoids answering. World leaders notice this deficiency of US leadership now as much as the American public does.

Biden and Harris may just have been able to coast along as President and Vice President in a peaceful world with the economy humming along as it was pre-Covid under Trump.  

Sadly, we don't have such a peaceful world and a stable growing economy right now. 

A major reason for that is directly due to the Biden Administration's policies and their failure to get a handle on events and to lead on the world stage.

The Biden Administrations isn't just  unable to answer the 4am phone call, they're either sleeping through it; busy having some applesauce; or in the case of Harris, not even understanding what that ringing sound is and where it is coming from.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Obama's third term is far worse than his first two.

MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Aaron;

WSF is correct, with Obungler, he was devious, but coherent, but with Xiden, it is pure incompetence. I hate to see what 3 more years will bring. But hey, no mean tweets....

Aaron said...

WSF: Yep, the remake with the retread cast is even worse than the original.

MrGarabaldi: Yep, Biden can't even hold a press conference unassisted. In the immortal words of Obama: "don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up”. Democrats severely underestimated, and here we are.

ccm2361 said...

Bring back mean tweets please!