Saturday, January 15, 2022

Hip Replacement Day 3

A bit of a fitful sleep last night.  Up solidly at 7:30 am had some meds and did a few things and then passed out after an hour or so until 11:30 am.

Have not needed to take the heavy-duty Percocets for pain yet, and pain isn't bad today.  So, I'm going to hold off on the heavy stuff for now and hopefully wont need it. The ice and compression machine is really doing its thing nicely.

Did a round of PT exercises on my own today with some family member supervision. Was able to get another inch of movement on the leg slide which was nice and that's some progress.

Surgery center is very on top of things, checking in with me yesterday and today to see how I'm doing. Some difference among nurses between the visiting nurse yesterday and the surgical center nurses as to leg positioning but overall its good, and reminding me to keep having fluids, eat, get up and move about, etc. Moving with the walker is easier, as is getting up from lying down to a seated position, so that's some progress too.


Pigpen51 said...

I wish you the best, and continued healing, as well as an upbeat attitude, which you seem to continue with. I suspect that much of your healing will be due to that as much as your hard work.
I also hope that your family has a great winter, and come warm weather, you are all able to hit the ground running.

Aaron said...

Pigpen51: Thanks! I have a lot of good examples from friends coming back from far more serious procedures and having a good attitude and doing the PT work is pretty vital. Likely will be hibernating as much as possible this winter as I heal up, but hope to be solid and mobile come spring.