Sunday, November 01, 2020

Dems Plan To "Peacefully Protest" The Day After The Election In Ferndale

Heard from a Democrat friend of mine that the local Dems are planning to have a large turnout on November 4th on Woodward at 9 Mile in Ferndale (a hip and fashionable suburb north of Detroit, a rather Democrat-dominated area).

If Biden wins, it will apparently be billed as a victory celebration.

If Trump wins, they state it will be a "peaceful protest".

Either way, if you're a business on Woodward and 9 Mile, I'd suggest investing in some plywood, or other window coverings, and some fire extinguishers, stat.  

It would also be a good idea to avoid the area.


B said...

Fire extinguishers won't cut it.

You need hoses.
Just sayin'

drjim said...

Be safe and alert, Aaron!

Aaron said...

B: Yep, high pressure fire hoses for fire and rioter control would be helpful.

drjim: Yep I plan to be. You couldn't pay me enough to go near 9 Mile and Woodward on Wednesday with that going on. The best way to be safe at a known probable riot location is not to be there.