Monday, June 01, 2020

Gov Half-Whit Relaxes Social Distancing - For Rioters

You can't make this up.

Gov Half-Whit just announced that social distancing will be loosened to allow outdoor gatherings up to 100 people immediately.

Meanwhile she is kindly opening up restaurants at 50% starting - but not until next week.

Still, hair salons, gyms etc will still be closed.

Of course the live press conference starring both her and the Lt. Governor both bashed President Trump.

Hilariously both claimed its the problem that those in power are not listening to Black people and those in power need to design a system to be more equitable and their voices heard.

Go ahead and watch it to hear lots of progressive-infested language and flowery rhetoric.

Ahem morons, you're the Governor and Lt. Governor of the state - you are the power in this state, so bemoaning a lack of power is a tad bit beyond trite. Your voices are being heard from a freaking press conference you're giving to the entire state. Sheesh. Of course, they noted their government is the most diverse evar, and it feels and sees you. This is nice I suppose, but it sure as heck hasn't been very effective.


Old NFO said...

That is beyond stupid!!! But typical demonrat... shift the blame...

ccm2361 said...

To hear the media & the Queen talk, it must have been Republicans doing all that rioting.
Funny how all these riots just happen to be in cities with Democrat mayors

Aaron said...

Old NFO: Yep, don't condemn your Democrat base of rioters as they're your essential voting base. Instead, blame "the man" for keeping them down. Problem is they Dems are "the man" in this situation, but their voters don't seem to be catching on to this peculiarity.

ccm2361: Yep, it was all "outside agitators" and "White Supremacists" doing the rioting and vandalism. Now its "systemic racism" causing the problem - meanwhile the very system is run by the Democrats - but no one wants to point that out.

Again the Dems create a problem, let their base vent off some steam with a little destruction over the problem, then blame Republicans for the problem and claim they need Federal funds to clean up the mess they allowed and then if they're elected once again, they will solve the very problem they created - rinse and repeat.