As most of the Blogosphere knows, the leader of the terrorist group Hamas has been sent to hell, courtesy of a well aimed missile from the Israeli Air Force.
The Europeans of course are quick to condemn Israel in defending itself as reported in the Detroit Free Press:
In a statement, the EU foreign ministers said Hamas was guilty of ``atrocities ... which have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Israelis'' and that Israel has the right to protect itself against terrorist attacks.
Wow, that's very generous of them, after all, most of the Euros consider Hamas to be a welfare and charitable works organization.
``Israel is not, however, entitled to carry out extra-judicial killings,'' the EU statement added. It said Yassin's assassination ``has inflamed the situation ... Violence is no substitute for the political negotiations which are necessary for a just and lasting settlement.''
Hey, the helicopter had an arrest warrant, and Yassin resisted arrest, and got blown to smithereens as a result. So there. Oh, you mean they didn't try to arrest him first and maybe haul him in front of the International Court? Too bad. He's a terrorist and got what he deserved. Anyways, I thought the EU frowned on judicial killings in any case so why are they making a fuss about extra-judicial killings. Not to worry EU, while this may not have been a judicial killing, it certainly was a judicious one.
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Yassin's assassination would not make Israel any more secure.
Really, that's one less terrorist leader down who can't plan or order any more attacks.
Straw spoke of ``Israel's paramount need to defend itself'' against terrorists, but if it wants ``the full support of the international community, it needs to do so within the boundaries set by international law.''
Wow, nice to see that British are finally admitting that Israel may defend itself. I do hope however that Britain reexamines all of its "extra-judicial" killings of IRA terrorists who were on active operations, as after all, killing them didn't make Britain any more secure.
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana called it ``very, very bad news for the peace process.''
Whereas, according to Solana, dead Jews are just a part of the peace process, I'll take the bad news, thank you very much.
German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said he was ``deeply concerned about the possible consequences,'' such as an escalation of violence.
As if everything was hunky-dory until Yassin caught a missile? News to Fischer, the violence hasn't subsided. Only killing off the terrorists will end the cycle of violence, or capitulation. After all Germany today is still concerned about the cycle of violence posed by any actions Germany might take against the Baader-Meinhorf Group, ja?
French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said the killing ``amplifies the cycle of violence.'' and immediately counselled Israel to follow France's lead and surrender.
De Villepin urged Palestinians and Israelis to recommit to the peace process that is jointly endorsed by the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations and foresees a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Yassin's Hamas opposes that effort and is committed to destroying the Jewish state and replacing it with an Islamic one.
Newsflash Dominique: the paleswinians never committed to the peace process and haven't even fulfilled an inch of their obligations under the Roadmap. Quit trying to feed Israel to the alligator would you?
Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller said the EU has long opposed ``extra-judicial killings.'' they also oppose judicial killings, and nasty words at breakfast. Funny thing Per Stig, you didn't mind the Free world committing extra-judicial killings to free your country from the Nazis now did you? Or do you want a 'do-over' and we'll let you sue the Germans in court after they occupy you?
He said that reviving the peace process will not be any ``easier when you have killings like that going on in Gaza. Terror and violence is not the way ahead.''
Exactly, so when you kill the terrorists, you cut down on terror and violence and thus help revive the peace process.
Norwegian Foreign Minister Jan Petersen urged both sides to curtail violence and implement the U.S.-backed ``road map'' plan for Mideast peace.
``This act will contribute to increased tensions in the area and will make it more difficult to implement the road map for peace and a possible Israeli withdrawal from Gaza,'' he said.
Actually Jan, it may make an Israeli withdrawal easier, as the less terrorist infrastructure that exists, the less need there will be to periodically return and stomp out the terrorists, and thus this action will result in less violence. After all dead terrorists can make no plans, construct no bombs and can no longer kill innocent people.
One would think the bombing in madrid would wake the Euros up to the danger faced and the need to interdict the terorrists without waiting for a "judicial" process. It seems the Euros still can't avoid appeasement and counselling surrender.
Monday, March 22, 2004
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Iranian uprising should be supported by the United States
It seems an uprising against the mad mullahs of Iran could begin at any time. Already demonstrations and sporadic fights have broken out as reported at National Review Online and Vodkapundit .
The US should support this popular uprising against the Ayatollahs either covertly or overtly. Such support is in the United State's interests for the following reasons:
1. Iran is an avowed enemy of the united States.
2. Iran is a supporter and sponsor of terrorism. Defeat of the current dictatorship will lead to a cessation of the Iranians support for Hezbollah and other terrorist groups, making Americans safer.
3. The defeat of the fundamentalists in Iran and the implementation of a democracy will continue the implementation of the Bush doctrine in the Middle East. This will continue the work begun in Iraq and will help shape the Middle East.
4. The Iranian government is supporting attackers in Iraq. A defeat of the Ayatollahs will help stabilize Iraq.
5. The Iranians are clearly working toward acquiring nuclear weapons. So stopping them before they have them would certainly be in our national interest.
6. Removing the dictator's in Iran from power removes any pretense for the Saudis. We no longer would need to blindly protect their corrupt, Anti-American regime from an Iranian threat.
We should support this uprising in all possible ways. If we cannot directly support it by an invasion, we should use Special Forces to assist the Iranian people in their uprising.
At the very least we should drop thousands of radios and weapons to the Iranians, as we did in World War II when we parachuted in FP45 Liberator pistols to arm resistance fighters against the Nazis.
Just imagine the look on the Revolutionary Guards thugs' faces when they come to beat up on what they would expect to be defenseless unarmed demonstrators only to be shot down by them.
The US has a chance here to gain the gratefulness of the people of Iran by assisting them in their fight for freedom from the Islamists. We shouldn't lose this opportunity.
The US should support this popular uprising against the Ayatollahs either covertly or overtly. Such support is in the United State's interests for the following reasons:
1. Iran is an avowed enemy of the united States.
2. Iran is a supporter and sponsor of terrorism. Defeat of the current dictatorship will lead to a cessation of the Iranians support for Hezbollah and other terrorist groups, making Americans safer.
3. The defeat of the fundamentalists in Iran and the implementation of a democracy will continue the implementation of the Bush doctrine in the Middle East. This will continue the work begun in Iraq and will help shape the Middle East.
4. The Iranian government is supporting attackers in Iraq. A defeat of the Ayatollahs will help stabilize Iraq.
5. The Iranians are clearly working toward acquiring nuclear weapons. So stopping them before they have them would certainly be in our national interest.
6. Removing the dictator's in Iran from power removes any pretense for the Saudis. We no longer would need to blindly protect their corrupt, Anti-American regime from an Iranian threat.
We should support this uprising in all possible ways. If we cannot directly support it by an invasion, we should use Special Forces to assist the Iranian people in their uprising.
At the very least we should drop thousands of radios and weapons to the Iranians, as we did in World War II when we parachuted in FP45 Liberator pistols to arm resistance fighters against the Nazis.
Just imagine the look on the Revolutionary Guards thugs' faces when they come to beat up on what they would expect to be defenseless unarmed demonstrators only to be shot down by them.
The US has a chance here to gain the gratefulness of the people of Iran by assisting them in their fight for freedom from the Islamists. We shouldn't lose this opportunity.
Accused Nazi wants deportation hearing delayed due to health problems
The health problem in this case is that this scum is still breathing American air. He's had a nice, comfy house and job, and comfiortably retired, while his victims never had such opportunities.
A n 82-year-old man accused of collaborating with the Nazis in World War II in Poland is suffering from prostate cancer and other medical problems and should be given more time to answer a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit seeking his deportation, his lawyers said in court papers filed recently in Detroit.
The lawyers said John (Ivan) Kalymon of Troy cited upcoming radiation treatment and other ailments as reasons to delay his response to a civil complaint filed in January. The response was due March 8.
The lawyers also asked U.S. District Judge Marianne Battani in the requests earlier this month to seal all records in the case and prevent lawyers from discussing it to protect Kalymon's privacy. His lawyers said the Justice Department rejected both requests.
The Justice Department accused Kalymon of belonging to a Nazi-run police force that herded Jews for deportation and extermination.
Hopefully, Judge Battani will first deny his attempt to seal the proceeding. Also, The Judge should deny his attempt delay the proceeding. His deportation has already been delayed for 50 years while he has illegally enjoyed the benefit of living in the USA, No more.
Source: The Detroit Free Press
A n 82-year-old man accused of collaborating with the Nazis in World War II in Poland is suffering from prostate cancer and other medical problems and should be given more time to answer a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit seeking his deportation, his lawyers said in court papers filed recently in Detroit.
The lawyers said John (Ivan) Kalymon of Troy cited upcoming radiation treatment and other ailments as reasons to delay his response to a civil complaint filed in January. The response was due March 8.
The lawyers also asked U.S. District Judge Marianne Battani in the requests earlier this month to seal all records in the case and prevent lawyers from discussing it to protect Kalymon's privacy. His lawyers said the Justice Department rejected both requests.
The Justice Department accused Kalymon of belonging to a Nazi-run police force that herded Jews for deportation and extermination.
Hopefully, Judge Battani will first deny his attempt to seal the proceeding. Also, The Judge should deny his attempt delay the proceeding. His deportation has already been delayed for 50 years while he has illegally enjoyed the benefit of living in the USA, No more.
Source: The Detroit Free Press
Monday, March 15, 2004
Coin of the Week - Beware the Ides Of March

This coin was Struck by Brutus commemorating the assasination of Julies Caesar on the Ides of March in 44 BC (March 15).

On the Reverse of the coin is the Cap of Liberty with a dagger on each side.
On the Obverse is the Portrait of Brutus.
This is one of the most famous of Roman Coins, commemortating one of the most famous events in all of history, and is accordingly expensive as only 50 of these silver denarii have survived and exist in the world today, and as this one is in Extra Fine condition, it accordingly commands a high price.
The images of the Eid Mar denarius are from This coin featured on Wildwinds (an impressive reference site for ancient coins) sold for $110,000.00.
Aliso Viejo, California almost bans foam cups containing dihydrous oxide
Dihydrous Oxide, of course, is commonly known as water.
In Calif. Officials Nearly Fall for H2O Hoax The Detroit News reports that these city officials were taken in by a web site proclaiming the dangers of that dreaded chemical, well known for its dangerous effects on human beings.
Just imagine how far this hoax could have gone, perhaps the California State Legislature would have followed the CIty Council's lead and passed regulation to protect the poor citizens of California and mandated that all bottled water labels to contain a statement that "This item contains substances known to the State of California to contain substances harmful to human beings".
A lot of feel-good legilsation leads to absurd results, this time it began with an absurd result, but thankfuly, no legislation was passed to compound the error.
In Calif. Officials Nearly Fall for H2O Hoax The Detroit News reports that these city officials were taken in by a web site proclaiming the dangers of that dreaded chemical, well known for its dangerous effects on human beings.
Just imagine how far this hoax could have gone, perhaps the California State Legislature would have followed the CIty Council's lead and passed regulation to protect the poor citizens of California and mandated that all bottled water labels to contain a statement that "This item contains substances known to the State of California to contain substances harmful to human beings".
A lot of feel-good legilsation leads to absurd results, this time it began with an absurd result, but thankfuly, no legislation was passed to compound the error.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Coin of the Week - A Denarius Depicting Justice

Following the announcement that the United States Mint is about to unveil a coin commemorating the First Supreme Court Justice, it seems only appropriate to feature a coin with a depiction of Ivstitia, the Roman Goddess of Justice.
The coin is a Roman Denarius of Septimius Severus, who ruled from 193-211 AD, and the coin is dated to approximately 198-202 AD.
On the Obverse: Septimius Severus, bearded portrait with a laurel wreath.
On the Reverse: Justitia seated holding a patera in her right hand and a scepter in her left hand.
The photo is from
New US Silver Dollar to Honor Supreme Court Justice John Marshall
In a nice confluence of legal and numismatic news, next year, a silver dollar honoring the 250th anniversary of the birth of Chief Justice John Marshall will be struck by the US Mint.
It will be the first time the Supreme Court or one of its Justices will be so honored.
Perhaps this will lead to a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Collector's Coin set in the future.
It will be the first time the Supreme Court or one of its Justices will be so honored.
Perhaps this will lead to a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Collector's Coin set in the future.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Same Sex Wedding ban fails to pass in the Legislature
This attempted constitutional amendment failed on a 65-38 vote, which is eight votes short of the 2/3rds majority required to move the amnedment to the Michigan Senate and then to the ballot for ratification by Michgan's citizens as a constitutional amendment. Thus this attempt at adding a gay marriage ban to the Michigan Constitution failed.
Governor Granholm was apparently pleased at the outcome and her spokesperson noted that Michigan already has a law that bans gay marriage, Michigan does however allow Public Universities and other entities to provide benefits for same-sex couples that are the same as if the couple was married.
The spokesperson also hit the issue right on the head when she said "the governor does not believe the people want government in their bedrooms. Perhaps now we can focus on issues important to Michigan residents”.
Hopefully now the House can focus on the more pressing issues, such as the economy in Michigan, rather than worry about a small minority's pursuit of happiness. Let's face it, even if the courts in Michigan suddenly follow Massachussets' lead (and given the current composition of the Michigan Supreme Court, that's highly unlikey) the overall effect will be shockingly little, and society is quite unlikely to crumble as a result. The sky didn't fall once Public universities and other businesses gave comparable benefits to gay couples and it won't fall if gay marriage is recognized here either.
Interestingly, while the vote was mainly on party lines, 3 Republicans voted against it, 4 Democrats voted for it and 5 Democrats apparently sat there and did not vote at all.
Governor Granholm was apparently pleased at the outcome and her spokesperson noted that Michigan already has a law that bans gay marriage, Michigan does however allow Public Universities and other entities to provide benefits for same-sex couples that are the same as if the couple was married.
The spokesperson also hit the issue right on the head when she said "the governor does not believe the people want government in their bedrooms. Perhaps now we can focus on issues important to Michigan residents”.
Hopefully now the House can focus on the more pressing issues, such as the economy in Michigan, rather than worry about a small minority's pursuit of happiness. Let's face it, even if the courts in Michigan suddenly follow Massachussets' lead (and given the current composition of the Michigan Supreme Court, that's highly unlikey) the overall effect will be shockingly little, and society is quite unlikely to crumble as a result. The sky didn't fall once Public universities and other businesses gave comparable benefits to gay couples and it won't fall if gay marriage is recognized here either.
Interestingly, while the vote was mainly on party lines, 3 Republicans voted against it, 4 Democrats voted for it and 5 Democrats apparently sat there and did not vote at all.
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
The BBC's Coupling
While the BBC's news reporting skills seem to be sadly lacking, the BBC does offer one excellent product: Britcoms -- British Comedies.
Somehow the Britcoms tend to be often funnier and better executed than their American counterparts.
For Example Coupling is a lot funnier than Friends - More racy (not a comedy for kids here), funny and smarter than its US counterpart.
Two seasons of Coupling are on DVD at Netflix, and the three seasons released on DVD so far can be purchased at
Its funny and well worth watching and laughing heartily over.
Somehow the Britcoms tend to be often funnier and better executed than their American counterparts.
For Example Coupling is a lot funnier than Friends - More racy (not a comedy for kids here), funny and smarter than its US counterpart.
Two seasons of Coupling are on DVD at Netflix, and the three seasons released on DVD so far can be purchased at
Its funny and well worth watching and laughing heartily over.
Gay Marriage issue may make it to the ballot in Michigan
The Michigan House may vote on a constitutional amendment to ban the recognition of gay marriage in Michigan. The Senate is also expected to vote on this soon. If approved by 2/3rds of both the House and Senate, this could end up on the November ballot for the people to vote on for it to become a State Constitutional Amendment.
What this may do to the dynamics of the 2004 election in Michigan is hard to tell. An initiative to end Affirmative Action in Michigan may also make it to the ballot, so it will be interested to see how these two referendum issues will energize the parties' bases.
Michigan tends to be a conservative state, but one that tends to vote Democrat so how this will play out is anyone's guess.
The Senate resolution was introduced prior to the current Massachusetts/San Francisco events and was submitted in response to Ontario allowing gays to marry.
Some Michigan homosexuals have gone to Ontario to get married. I can report that the state has not collapsed as a result, and there seems to have been no effect on the validity or strength of heterosexual marriages.
What this may do to the dynamics of the 2004 election in Michigan is hard to tell. An initiative to end Affirmative Action in Michigan may also make it to the ballot, so it will be interested to see how these two referendum issues will energize the parties' bases.
Michigan tends to be a conservative state, but one that tends to vote Democrat so how this will play out is anyone's guess.
The Senate resolution was introduced prior to the current Massachusetts/San Francisco events and was submitted in response to Ontario allowing gays to marry.
Some Michigan homosexuals have gone to Ontario to get married. I can report that the state has not collapsed as a result, and there seems to have been no effect on the validity or strength of heterosexual marriages.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Really Stupid Criminal Tricks
Armed Robbers Snap Incriminating Photos
ATLANTA (AP) - Three robbers shouldn't have been too surprised when they heard their crime was caught on camera. After all, they took the pictures themselves.
Michael Lee Merritt, 18, Wendell Mackey, 20, and Darnell Robinson, 22, playfully took snapshots of themselves while driving around in a stolen SUV after robbing 35-year-old Eric Haney on Dec. 18, 2001. The three ambushed Haney at gunpoint outside his apartment, then went inside and took DVDs, a video game machine and clothes, police said.
After their joyride, the men unwittingly left the disposable camera in the car, helping police identify and track them down. . . .
Armed Robbers Snap Incriminating Photos
ATLANTA (AP) - Three robbers shouldn't have been too surprised when they heard their crime was caught on camera. After all, they took the pictures themselves.
Michael Lee Merritt, 18, Wendell Mackey, 20, and Darnell Robinson, 22, playfully took snapshots of themselves while driving around in a stolen SUV after robbing 35-year-old Eric Haney on Dec. 18, 2001. The three ambushed Haney at gunpoint outside his apartment, then went inside and took DVDs, a video game machine and clothes, police said.
After their joyride, the men unwittingly left the disposable camera in the car, helping police identify and track them down. . . .
Who writes these headlines?
The Detroit News has a very overly dramatic headline in the paper and online today: Boardroom brawl dulls Disney magic: It pains America to watch capitalism mess with Mickey
For one thing, how does the Detroit News headline writer know it pains America to watch this spectacle?
And "capitalism messing with Mickey"? I can just picture it now, Daddy Warbucks and the cartoon capitalist from Monopoly beating up Mickey mouse in a dark alley. Run for the hills, the scourge of capitalism is about to mess with the most sucessful capitalistic icon of them all!
The article has to do with the boardroom battles between Eisner and Roy Disney, as well as the Comcast takeover offer. Most Americans far from panicking and heading for the hills, or protesting in the streets, either of which would be an expected reaction if this truly pained America, seem to be either blissfully unaware or they couldn't care less.
For one thing, how does the Detroit News headline writer know it pains America to watch this spectacle?
And "capitalism messing with Mickey"? I can just picture it now, Daddy Warbucks and the cartoon capitalist from Monopoly beating up Mickey mouse in a dark alley. Run for the hills, the scourge of capitalism is about to mess with the most sucessful capitalistic icon of them all!
The article has to do with the boardroom battles between Eisner and Roy Disney, as well as the Comcast takeover offer. Most Americans far from panicking and heading for the hills, or protesting in the streets, either of which would be an expected reaction if this truly pained America, seem to be either blissfully unaware or they couldn't care less.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Puzzling New US Nickel design
Reports of the new United States nickel commemorating the Louisana purchase feature
a scene that commemorates the Louisiana Purchase.
The back of the new nickels now headed into circulation bear the words "United States of America," "Louisiana Purchase" and "1803." There is an image of hands clasped in friendship — one with a military cuff to symbolize the U.S. government, and the other with an ornate bracelet to represent American Indians.
Above the clasped hands is a tomahawk crossed by a peace pipe. The images are similar to those on Jefferson Peace Medals, which were presented ceremonially to Indian chiefs and other important leaders. Below the clasped hands are the Latin words "E Pluribus Unum" (meaning "Out of many, one"), and hugging the bottom of the coin is the denomination: "Five Cents."
One question is why the reverse image was chosen with an US Military cuff and one symbolizing an Indian Hand? Since we purchased Louisana from France for $15 million (and a good thing we purchased it too, just imagine Chirac running Louisiana today) why was this reverse selected?
Shouldn't the int have made the reverse with the French Flag going down and the U.S. Flag rising - that would have been historically symbolic and presently relevant symbolism.
a scene that commemorates the Louisiana Purchase.
The back of the new nickels now headed into circulation bear the words "United States of America," "Louisiana Purchase" and "1803." There is an image of hands clasped in friendship — one with a military cuff to symbolize the U.S. government, and the other with an ornate bracelet to represent American Indians.
Above the clasped hands is a tomahawk crossed by a peace pipe. The images are similar to those on Jefferson Peace Medals, which were presented ceremonially to Indian chiefs and other important leaders. Below the clasped hands are the Latin words "E Pluribus Unum" (meaning "Out of many, one"), and hugging the bottom of the coin is the denomination: "Five Cents."
One question is why the reverse image was chosen with an US Military cuff and one symbolizing an Indian Hand? Since we purchased Louisana from France for $15 million (and a good thing we purchased it too, just imagine Chirac running Louisiana today) why was this reverse selected?
Shouldn't the int have made the reverse with the French Flag going down and the U.S. Flag rising - that would have been historically symbolic and presently relevant symbolism.
Principals' association wants to prevent internet alcohol sales "for the children"
In the Detroit News, Jim Ballard, the Executive Director of the Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals decries the Detroit News' stance that Michigan's current ban on ordering wine over the internet and by other means from out-of-state sellers is wrong because of course, it might affect the youth.
Once again, its "for the children" so we ought to prevent adults from the better opportunities and choices that out of state wineries and other sellers of alcohol might provide.
Ballard states that School principals have a long history of trying to keep alcohol away from our students, and we are quick to oppose any means that makes alcohol more accessible.
Three out of 10 teenagers already participate in binge drinking. A National Academy of Sciences report also confirms that 10 percent of teenagers purchase alcohol over the Internet or through home delivery, and the growing use of the Internet only will increase that percentage. If the circuit court decision is not overturned, we are turning our backs on this already sizeable problem and allowing it to grow more.
Ballard is disengeniously using national statistics here, because of course, if any underage teen ordered alcohol over the Internet in Michigan they would be breaking the law.
Perhaps, as Executicve Director of Secondary School Principals, Mr. Ballard would be better off creating an education program to stress to the students in his care that underage drinking is not acceptable rather than attempt to keep adults from enjoying themselves.
As for Mr. Ballard's comment that "Face-to-face alcohol sales still are the best way to prevent underage drinking, and Michigan’s current alcohol distribution system is the best for Michigan and our youth. ". Mr. Ballard clearly underestimates the resourcefulness of the students in his charge.
The current system stiffles competition, is unconstitutionally protectionist, and is not the best possible system for Michigan. Let's not let the emotional cry of "for the children" uphold a bad law.
Once again, its "for the children" so we ought to prevent adults from the better opportunities and choices that out of state wineries and other sellers of alcohol might provide.
Ballard states that School principals have a long history of trying to keep alcohol away from our students, and we are quick to oppose any means that makes alcohol more accessible.
Three out of 10 teenagers already participate in binge drinking. A National Academy of Sciences report also confirms that 10 percent of teenagers purchase alcohol over the Internet or through home delivery, and the growing use of the Internet only will increase that percentage. If the circuit court decision is not overturned, we are turning our backs on this already sizeable problem and allowing it to grow more.
Ballard is disengeniously using national statistics here, because of course, if any underage teen ordered alcohol over the Internet in Michigan they would be breaking the law.
Perhaps, as Executicve Director of Secondary School Principals, Mr. Ballard would be better off creating an education program to stress to the students in his care that underage drinking is not acceptable rather than attempt to keep adults from enjoying themselves.
As for Mr. Ballard's comment that "Face-to-face alcohol sales still are the best way to prevent underage drinking, and Michigan’s current alcohol distribution system is the best for Michigan and our youth. ". Mr. Ballard clearly underestimates the resourcefulness of the students in his charge.
The current system stiffles competition, is unconstitutionally protectionist, and is not the best possible system for Michigan. Let's not let the emotional cry of "for the children" uphold a bad law.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Coin of the Week - A Prutah of Pontias Pilate

Given all the passion about The Passion going around, I thought this week should feature a relevant coin.
This is a small bronze coin struck in 30 A.D.
On the Obverse: LIZ within a wreath
On the Reverse: a Lituus (a staff used by the Romans in divination) with the Legend " Of Tiberius Caesar" (I'll update my translation later as I'm on lunch and don't have my reference book with me) in Greek.
The coin is from Amphora Coins and is for sale for $275.00. I expect with all the interest that The Passion will generate, that coins of Pontias Pilate will likely be in higher demand, even by people who are not coin collecters per se, and likely go up in value.
Posse to join in the hunt for online child predators
The Macomb County (Michigan) Sheriff is training citizens how to impersonate children online to work with deputies in catching online pedophiles.
Not a bad idea, now the pedos will have to worry even more that the "child" they're trying to seduce is an adult. Having seen a demonstration of the technique by the Wayne County Sheriff, I can tell you that these kinds of predators are out there in various chat rooms, and they do attempt to pick up kids over the Internet.
However, others are not very happy with the idea:
"I think it's shocking," said Detroit defense lawyer Elizabeth Jacobs. She opposes law enforcement agents posing online as children because she said it tricks law-abiding citizens into committing crimes.
Nonsense, it doesn't trick law-abiding citizens into attempting to have sex with children. It merely catches people trying to exploit children in the worst possible way, and its not entrapment.
Not a bad idea, now the pedos will have to worry even more that the "child" they're trying to seduce is an adult. Having seen a demonstration of the technique by the Wayne County Sheriff, I can tell you that these kinds of predators are out there in various chat rooms, and they do attempt to pick up kids over the Internet.
However, others are not very happy with the idea:
"I think it's shocking," said Detroit defense lawyer Elizabeth Jacobs. She opposes law enforcement agents posing online as children because she said it tricks law-abiding citizens into committing crimes.
Nonsense, it doesn't trick law-abiding citizens into attempting to have sex with children. It merely catches people trying to exploit children in the worst possible way, and its not entrapment.
This accident must have been the SUV's fault
This story has to be one of the worst excuses for an accident I've ever read:
Noecker testified he had entered his vehicle from the passenger side to avoid stepping in mud and was driving with his left foot as he approached the store, located next door to his wife's warehouse. Noecker testified that his foot slipped from the brake to the accelerator, which caused the vehicle to slam into the side of the convenience store.
Noecker left the scene of the accident before police arrived. Ninety minutes later, when Michigan State Police officers went to his home, he registered a blood-alcohol level of 0.10, the legal level of intoxication. Noecker said he had a glass of vodka after the crash to calm his nerves.
Noecker is a Circuit Court Judge for St. Joseph county in Michigan and the testimony is from a disciplinary hearing for the charged drunken driving offense.
I guess he's never figured out why they call the seat where the pedals are located the "Driver's seat".
Noecker testified he had entered his vehicle from the passenger side to avoid stepping in mud and was driving with his left foot as he approached the store, located next door to his wife's warehouse. Noecker testified that his foot slipped from the brake to the accelerator, which caused the vehicle to slam into the side of the convenience store.
Noecker left the scene of the accident before police arrived. Ninety minutes later, when Michigan State Police officers went to his home, he registered a blood-alcohol level of 0.10, the legal level of intoxication. Noecker said he had a glass of vodka after the crash to calm his nerves.
Noecker is a Circuit Court Judge for St. Joseph county in Michigan and the testimony is from a disciplinary hearing for the charged drunken driving offense.
I guess he's never figured out why they call the seat where the pedals are located the "Driver's seat".
A Case for a part-time Legislature in Michigan
Brian Dickerson in the Detroit Free Press makes a case for a part-time legfislature for Michigan.
He states that the Legislature has been rather timid for the first two months of this session, only debating a few rather contentious issues including
"Debating a proposal to turn the state law barring gay marriage into a state constitutional amendment barring gay marriage. ". Yep, even in Michigan the issue of gay marriage is heating up.
Dickerson bemoans the lack of activity on the part of the Legislature and holds it up as a reason for turning it into a part time affair. I believe the lack of activity would be a positive result of a part-time legislature. I would not mind less activity, less laws being passed and a part time legislature so less invasive, cumbersome and annoying, and dumb laws can be proposed. Not to mention the tax savings in only having to pay part-time salaries.
How annoying you ask? Asan example, a law recently pased in Michigan that has motorists fuming - if you do not have your proof of insurance with you while driving, or cannot find it, the fine is the same as if you did not have any insurance period, and you cannot bring proof of insurance to the court to demonstrate that you were in fact insured. After an uproar, this law looks to be modified.
Another interesting proposal seems to be the effective creation of a debtors prison. Ok, not exactly, but the effect of HB 5369 and HB 5371, if they are both passed together, would have parents that are delinquent in child support not only be sent to jail, but continually be guilty of new non-child support felony offenses when they fail to pay child suport while imprisoned. In fact, a deadbeat parent could be jailed forever as they could continuously rack up felonies for non-payment of child support while serving time for the earlier felony of non-payment of child support.
While I do not countenance people not paying their child support obligations, sending them to prison forever would not address the needs of the child as the parent is unlikely to be able to earn enough in prison to pay the child support obligation.
In short a part-time legislature would hopefuly do less damage and have less time to propose more inane laws, thus providing a net benefit to the people of Michigan.
He states that the Legislature has been rather timid for the first two months of this session, only debating a few rather contentious issues including
"Debating a proposal to turn the state law barring gay marriage into a state constitutional amendment barring gay marriage. ". Yep, even in Michigan the issue of gay marriage is heating up.
Dickerson bemoans the lack of activity on the part of the Legislature and holds it up as a reason for turning it into a part time affair. I believe the lack of activity would be a positive result of a part-time legislature. I would not mind less activity, less laws being passed and a part time legislature so less invasive, cumbersome and annoying, and dumb laws can be proposed. Not to mention the tax savings in only having to pay part-time salaries.
How annoying you ask? Asan example, a law recently pased in Michigan that has motorists fuming - if you do not have your proof of insurance with you while driving, or cannot find it, the fine is the same as if you did not have any insurance period, and you cannot bring proof of insurance to the court to demonstrate that you were in fact insured. After an uproar, this law looks to be modified.
Another interesting proposal seems to be the effective creation of a debtors prison. Ok, not exactly, but the effect of HB 5369 and HB 5371, if they are both passed together, would have parents that are delinquent in child support not only be sent to jail, but continually be guilty of new non-child support felony offenses when they fail to pay child suport while imprisoned. In fact, a deadbeat parent could be jailed forever as they could continuously rack up felonies for non-payment of child support while serving time for the earlier felony of non-payment of child support.
While I do not countenance people not paying their child support obligations, sending them to prison forever would not address the needs of the child as the parent is unlikely to be able to earn enough in prison to pay the child support obligation.
In short a part-time legislature would hopefuly do less damage and have less time to propose more inane laws, thus providing a net benefit to the people of Michigan.
Lawsuit Protection bill with Assault weapons renewal and ant-gun show riders dies in Senate.
Hat tip: Instapundit.
Just as well, it will be better to have a clean bills passed next year without these ridiculous amendments.
Now that Edwards has dropped out, as long as Bush does not pass any anti-gun laws this year the choice on whom to vote for becomes clearer for gun owners at least. Hopefully Bush will do something proactive such as pushing to make the tax cuts permanent and try to reign in government overspending, not to mention continue to vigorously prosecute the war on terror and the contrasts will become even greater.
Just as well, it will be better to have a clean bills passed next year without these ridiculous amendments.
Now that Edwards has dropped out, as long as Bush does not pass any anti-gun laws this year the choice on whom to vote for becomes clearer for gun owners at least. Hopefully Bush will do something proactive such as pushing to make the tax cuts permanent and try to reign in government overspending, not to mention continue to vigorously prosecute the war on terror and the contrasts will become even greater.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
CNN's picture
This picture is from CNN, and its accompanying article is a brief summary of the vote.
If there is any doubt as to John Kerry's position on gun control, his standing with Charles Schumer, Dianne Feinstein and Edward Kennedy, the biggest backers of gun control and gun confiscation in the Senate should remove any question.

If there is any doubt as to John Kerry's position on gun control, his standing with Charles Schumer, Dianne Feinstein and Edward Kennedy, the biggest backers of gun control and gun confiscation in the Senate should remove any question.
More on the passing of the Amendment
From Foxnews:
Both Kerry and Edwards voted for the ban, so any question of their views on the 2nd Amendment is now closed.
Unbelievably, 10 Republicans voted for the ban to be extended: Ten Republicans broke party ranks: Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, Susan Collins of Maine, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Peter Fitzgerald of Illinois, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Richard Lugar of Indiana, Gordon Smith of Oregon, Olympia Snowe of Maine, George Voinovich of Ohio and John Warner of Virginia.
Also passing was the amendment to "close the gunshow loophole" Foxnews wronmgly describes the supposed loophole as: Under current law, unlicensed gun dealers at private shows are not required to ask for government background checks before selling weapons..
Morons, there is no such thing as an unlicensed dealer at a gun show. There may be private sales but once you are in the business of selling firearms (in any venue) you must be licensed by the BATF or you are committing a string of felonies.
And no Senator McCain, terorrists don't buy their weapons at American gun shows and ship them to Iraq. They get them in iraq where they are cheaper and fully automatic.
My prediction: If the Assault Weapons ban passes and Bush signs the bill into law, Bush will lose the 2004 election.
This bill needs to die now, it can be re-proposed next year when the "Assault Weapons" ban has lapsed.
Both Kerry and Edwards voted for the ban, so any question of their views on the 2nd Amendment is now closed.
Unbelievably, 10 Republicans voted for the ban to be extended: Ten Republicans broke party ranks: Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, Susan Collins of Maine, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Peter Fitzgerald of Illinois, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Richard Lugar of Indiana, Gordon Smith of Oregon, Olympia Snowe of Maine, George Voinovich of Ohio and John Warner of Virginia.
Also passing was the amendment to "close the gunshow loophole" Foxnews wronmgly describes the supposed loophole as: Under current law, unlicensed gun dealers at private shows are not required to ask for government background checks before selling weapons..
Morons, there is no such thing as an unlicensed dealer at a gun show. There may be private sales but once you are in the business of selling firearms (in any venue) you must be licensed by the BATF or you are committing a string of felonies.
And no Senator McCain, terorrists don't buy their weapons at American gun shows and ship them to Iraq. They get them in iraq where they are cheaper and fully automatic.
My prediction: If the Assault Weapons ban passes and Bush signs the bill into law, Bush will lose the 2004 election.
This bill needs to die now, it can be re-proposed next year when the "Assault Weapons" ban has lapsed.
Senate passes extension of Assault Weapons Ban amendment.
The Radio just reported that the Senate passed the renewal of the assault weapons ban as an amendment to the gun lawsuit legislation.
Apparently Edwards and Kerry had returned to the Senate for this vote but I'm not sure what their vote was on the amendment.
More on this as it happens.
Apparently Edwards and Kerry had returned to the Senate for this vote but I'm not sure what their vote was on the amendment.
More on this as it happens.
Monday, March 01, 2004
Lansing State Journal Editorial Fisks itself
The Lansing State Journal today has an editorial advocating a renewal of the assault weapons ban on the grounds that...well they state the ban doesn't do anything so we ought to keep it as a small way to curtail the weaponry "in the community".
So lets begin our look at this editorial:
10-year-old federal ban on a variety of assault weapons will soon expire. Democrats were spending last weekend trying to marshal votes in the U.S. Senate to extend the ban. But Republican leaders in the House say they have no intention of voting on the idea.
Allowing this measure to lapse is wrong-headed, simply because there's a difference between weapons for hunting and self-defense and weapons or variants aimed for military use.
Hmm, are not "weapons or variants aimed for military use" by definition weapons for self-defense? Indeed the assault weapons banned are not even used by the military,but are used for hunting and self-defense.
The National Rifle Association wants the ban to expire. It argues, correctly, that statistics don't show a relationship between assault weapons and the rise and fall of crime. It also argues the ban intrudes into firearms that have multiple uses.
So the LSJ conceeds the ban has had no effect on crime whatsoever.
The group's Web site ( provides the legal definitions upon which the 1994 ban rests. Consider just one:
"A semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of the following: a folding or telescoping stock; a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon; a bayonet mount; a flash suppressor or threaded barrel; and a grenade launcher (included to scare people, since grenades and launchers are restricted by the National Firearms Act)."
We aren't military experts or gun makers, but doesn't this description leave one in mind of a military weapon? And isn't it possible to produce rifles for target shooting, for example, that don't have what appear to be military characteristics?
Yes, you definetly are not military experts or gun makers, and your emotional "isn't it possible to produce rifles for target shooting, for example, that don't have what appear to be military characteristics?" pleading makes no sense, considering that you just admitted you're not an expert in knowing what is a military characteristic. With your emotional argument, you conclude that a gun fires a bullet is enough to make it have a military characteristic.
And isn't our society better off, even marginally, with bans on weapon variants principally designed for military use?
How? you've already conceeded that there is no correlation between allowing law-abiding citizens the right to prurchase them and crime. Should we ban all other items in society that were once principally dsesigned for military use?
It may be possible to improve the assault weapons ban. There may be more precise language, or definitions that rest on different criteria. But the goal should be the same: to differentiate between weapons for self-defense, hunting and recreation and those meant for something else.
In other words you don't know the criteria, you've admitted they don't cause a problem, and you can't even define what you want to differentiate these weapons from but lamely declare it "something else" than hunting and recreation. News Flash to the LSJ: the so called "Assault weapons" are used by thousands of Americans for recreation, hunting, and self-defense, as such you're inconsistent when you want to renew such a ban.
The absence of an assault weapons ban won't spark a crime wave, just as its presence didn't eliminate crime. But it is a small thing we can - and should - do to curtail the weaponry in our communities.
In other words, it doesn't do anything to prevent or cause crime, but we should do it anyways, even after condescendingly noting in the editorial that the LSJ is not against people having firearms for self-defense, hunting and recreation, because the LSJ wants to curtail the weapons that could be used and possessed for self-defense, hunting and recreation.
Editors of the LSJ, by your own admissions, appeal to emotion, and contradictions, you unknowingly fisked yourselves.
So lets begin our look at this editorial:
10-year-old federal ban on a variety of assault weapons will soon expire. Democrats were spending last weekend trying to marshal votes in the U.S. Senate to extend the ban. But Republican leaders in the House say they have no intention of voting on the idea.
Allowing this measure to lapse is wrong-headed, simply because there's a difference between weapons for hunting and self-defense and weapons or variants aimed for military use.
Hmm, are not "weapons or variants aimed for military use" by definition weapons for self-defense? Indeed the assault weapons banned are not even used by the military,but are used for hunting and self-defense.
The National Rifle Association wants the ban to expire. It argues, correctly, that statistics don't show a relationship between assault weapons and the rise and fall of crime. It also argues the ban intrudes into firearms that have multiple uses.
So the LSJ conceeds the ban has had no effect on crime whatsoever.
The group's Web site ( provides the legal definitions upon which the 1994 ban rests. Consider just one:
"A semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of the following: a folding or telescoping stock; a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon; a bayonet mount; a flash suppressor or threaded barrel; and a grenade launcher (included to scare people, since grenades and launchers are restricted by the National Firearms Act)."
We aren't military experts or gun makers, but doesn't this description leave one in mind of a military weapon? And isn't it possible to produce rifles for target shooting, for example, that don't have what appear to be military characteristics?
Yes, you definetly are not military experts or gun makers, and your emotional "isn't it possible to produce rifles for target shooting, for example, that don't have what appear to be military characteristics?" pleading makes no sense, considering that you just admitted you're not an expert in knowing what is a military characteristic. With your emotional argument, you conclude that a gun fires a bullet is enough to make it have a military characteristic.
And isn't our society better off, even marginally, with bans on weapon variants principally designed for military use?
How? you've already conceeded that there is no correlation between allowing law-abiding citizens the right to prurchase them and crime. Should we ban all other items in society that were once principally dsesigned for military use?
It may be possible to improve the assault weapons ban. There may be more precise language, or definitions that rest on different criteria. But the goal should be the same: to differentiate between weapons for self-defense, hunting and recreation and those meant for something else.
In other words you don't know the criteria, you've admitted they don't cause a problem, and you can't even define what you want to differentiate these weapons from but lamely declare it "something else" than hunting and recreation. News Flash to the LSJ: the so called "Assault weapons" are used by thousands of Americans for recreation, hunting, and self-defense, as such you're inconsistent when you want to renew such a ban.
The absence of an assault weapons ban won't spark a crime wave, just as its presence didn't eliminate crime. But it is a small thing we can - and should - do to curtail the weaponry in our communities.
In other words, it doesn't do anything to prevent or cause crime, but we should do it anyways, even after condescendingly noting in the editorial that the LSJ is not against people having firearms for self-defense, hunting and recreation, because the LSJ wants to curtail the weapons that could be used and possessed for self-defense, hunting and recreation.
Editors of the LSJ, by your own admissions, appeal to emotion, and contradictions, you unknowingly fisked yourselves.
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