So the fun with the unpleasant lying lawyer continues.
In the first bit of the latest fun, she has refused to produce unredacted copies of the appraisals of some of the firearms she had appraised and attached to her petition (notably not the handgun that she now suddenly claims they had all along, nor another rifle that we're pretty darn sure her felon brother now has).
Each appraisal has an area blocked out. One of them is not well blocked out and we can tell it is a copy of a drivers license, and with the phone number that is seen we're pretty darn sure who was handling the firearms appraisal on behalf of the co-trustee.
The felon brother.
Bit of a no-no, that.
Not a good look for a trustee of a trust to enlist a felon to posses and handle firearms.
So a motion to compel it is, and I have filed it and asked for attorneys fees for having to being it as the refusal has no proper basis. The hearing unfortunately won't be for over a month, but I expect the unredacted copies will be ordered to be turned over as there's no privilege for this kind of malfeasance.
The second of the latest news is so much more fun.
Unpleasant lying lawyer now demands the house my co-trustee and beneficiary client is living in now has to be sold to pay for trustee administrative expenses - i.e. the costs of the frivolous lawsuit her client has filed and caused to accrue.
In other words, they want to drive my client out of her marital home now that she has been widowed, and probably grab a fair bit of the value of it, which I suspect was the plan all along.
I reply to her that no, that's not going to happen.
Instead, I note that such expenses are, by law, paid from the residue of a trust and not from specific distributions like the gift of a house.
Since the co-trustees distributed all the residue as no one thought the Unpleasant Lying Lawyer's client would engage in this ridiculous lawsuit there is no residue at present remaining.
But, instead we will need to clawback the distribution made to all the beneficiaries to cover this which means her client, her client's felon brother, and her client's sister, and my client as well proportionately, will need to opay these "expenses" as the law requires.
So, as a result. her family gets to pay a share not only of her client's "administrative expenses" brought on by this lawsuit - but they get to pay my client's expenses as well.
She's certainly not going to be happy with that, and it'll be fun to have her explaining to her family that they now need to cough up the money that they had been paid to cover both side's expenses as co-trustees in this ridiculous lawsuit.
Methinks her cunning plan just backfired a tad.
But, this is what happens because when you FA, you get to FO.
Very entertaining. Hope you are having fun.
Maybe the Lying Lawyer can return her degree and get her tuition back?
Someone should send the other heirs a copy of Bleak House and warn them they are starting down the road to Jarndyce v Jarndyce (spending the estate to pay legal fees).
Hopefully the judge will agree with you ........
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