Friday, February 07, 2025

And Nothing of Value Was Lost

Talk about the devotees of the party out of power going insane.  

Having a medical procedure with some serious consequences to protest the President is pretty radical, especially as it is purely performative nonsense.

The Washington Beacon: Not Kidding: Michigan State Rep Says She Sterilized Herself To Protest Trump 

A Democratic Michigan state representative told protesters Wednesday that she underwent voluntary sterilization to avoid becoming pregnant during President Donald Trump's second term, a left-wing media outlet reported.

"Just under two weeks ago, I underwent surgery to ensure that I would never have to navigate a pregnancy in Donald Trump's America," Rep. Laurie Pohutsky told anti-Trump protesters gathered Wednesday outside the Michigan Capitol, according to a piece published by the Michigan Advance. "I refuse to let my body be treated as currency by an administration that only sees value in my ability to procreate."

                                                          . . .

Pohutsky insisted that her surgery was important, telling protesters, "If you know people who are questioning how serious this is, I'm going to repeat myself: A sitting government official opted for voluntary sterilization because she was uncertain she would be able to access contraception in the future."

So Rep. Pohutsky sterilizes herself per her announcement to prevent becoming pregnant during Trump's presidency and apparently believes having a child is a terrible thing. Kinda a drastic measure, no? 

Either this is purely political theater and she got sterilized for other reasons and is lying about it, or she is a complete moron.

This is because, as Rep. Pohutsky certainly knows, the right to an abortion and indeed contraception was enshrined in the Michigan constitution in 2020 via referendum and law.

How do we know she knows?  Well, she publicly celebrated it when it passed:

Today should most certainly be celebrated; it took a lot of hard work to get these bills to the governor’s desk, and while there is still work to be done, we should absolutely take time to appreciate this victory,” said Speaker Pro Tem Laurie Pohutsky (D-Livonia), chair of the Progressive Women’s Caucus and spearhead of the House RHA bills. “This journey began over a decade ago, and I am honored to be a part of the continued efforts to guarantee Michiganders have access to abortion care. It was long past due for these obstacles to be diminished so people can make the decisions that are right for them without government interference."

So she's a die-hard pro-abortion progressive Democrat and is clearly announcing this sterilization for performative reasons, and likely lying about the reason for it.  If not, she is bug-house nuts and doesn't understand the laws she herself passed and advocates for, nor how the United States governmental system works, in which case she probably really shouldn't be a state representative.

On the upside, she's taken her craziness out of the gene pool.

For those who don't get it:  Abortion and contraception is now enshrined in the Michigan constitution per the referendum in 2020 and by law in the massive package of bills that Pohutsky herself helped pass. Trump cannot change that.

Letting Michigan Democrats continue to fear-monger on abortion when they have decisively enshrined abortion at the state level is simply allowing them to continue to deceive their constituents on what is now a settled issue.

The Democrat crazies here are like a dog chasing a car - they caught the car and now they don't know what to do with it, nor how to shift away from the fear-mongering on abortion they were using to fuel their campaigns.


Beans said...

You missed the "Or." Or she's lying out her rear end like so many politicians.

Proof. I want proof, actual real hard proof, that she is now permanently sterilized. Not temporarily, permanently. And that there is no frozen container of her eggs hidden in some fertility clinic.

And proof, if she is now sterile, that it's actually a voluntary choice and not medically necessary due to cancer or something.

I don't believe her. Can you tell?

Aaron said...

Beans: Yep, she may very well be lying and putting on a show - but it s a curious thing to lie about. Or, perhaps, she got sterilized for some medical necessity and decided not to let a crisis go to waste and use it to emote and blame Trump.