Sunday, September 08, 2024

Sunday Flyday - Getting Some Approaches In

This morning I met up with James at the airport.  He would fly us to Jackson, then I would do the flight back and get in some approaches at Jackson and Pontiac to keep up my instrument currency.

We headed out with flight following and I handled the radios as he flew. We took the Dakota as the Archer is getting its annual done.

It was a gorgeous day for flying.

Ceiling and visibility unlimited.  A few bumps as we flew over bodies of water but that is to be expected.

James made a great landing at Jackson and we headed in and had breakfast. We both had the Pilot's omelette, as one does.

Then we headed back to the plane and we got ready for the departure.

I called Jackson Ground and got flight following and setup to do approaches first at Jackson and then Pontiac.

I took off and first did the ILS Runway 25 approach and then the RNAV 25 approach at Jackson and both went quite well.

I  then flew us back to Pontiac.

161 knots ground speed was rather respectable.

I then did the RNAV 27L approach into Pontiac.

The approach starts east of the airport so we actually flew past it.

There it is across the lake.

I then flew the approach and did an excellent landing.

 Just a perfect morning to get in the air.

That's 1.5 for me, 1 landing, 3 approaches, and .9 simulated instrument time.


Old NFO said...

Good practice! Keeps you sharp!

Rick said...

An approach or two while partial panel really keeps you sharp.

Any reason to commit aviation is a good one.

Aaron said...

Old NFO: Yep, always looking to improve and it is getting better which is nice.

Rick: Yep, any chance at doing aviation is great, and I need to do that more including partial panel, as well as the dreaded (not really) localizer back-course approach.