Monday, September 09, 2024

London Trip 13 - Marching Round The Squares

August 11 was a more casual day.

It started with a proper Full English Breakfast:

Suitably provisioned, we hit Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, and Covent Garden.

We saw the monument to Edith Cavell, an English nurse that treated both sides in Belgium and helped Allied soldiers escape form German-occupied Belgiu,m. She was shot at dawn by the Germans in World War One.

She's a relative of current Oakland County Commissioner Charlie Cavell.  I've met him in person and he's a nice guy.  While he's a Democrat who I disagree with on a lot of things, his beliefs in gun control among them, he's still a very pleasant person to chat with, and he has yet been corrupted as a politician and is still quite the idealist.  While I don't agree with him on all his ideas and ideals, he's a rather likeable person and does listen to opposing views, so there's that.

Leicester square is a very artsy area with many theaters, shops and dining facilities around.

It also is home to London's Chinatown.


More on that later. 

A very Paddington bus made the rounds.

A quite cute double-decker that was very cheerfully decked out.

Libations were required during our journey, so we stopped by for some ale at The Sherlock Holmes Pub, which was doing brisk business on such a nice day.

The pub's Sherlock Holmes ale hit the spot nicely. We ended up chatting with a couple more Australian tourists and enjoyed sitting outside across the street from the pub.

Covent Garden has lots of shops that are nice to walk around. So, some shopping was done.

It was a very good day. Lots of walking and going places, checking out shops, and seeing the city.

We would, on the next day, have to get up for an early day to go farther from London to see a most significant site.


Old NFO said...

Did you go upstairs at the Sherlock Holmes? Did they still have the display/museum up there?

Aaron said...

OLD NFO: No we didn't get a chance, the place was packed so we would get our pints at the bar and then head outside and return for another round.