When the state can't even keep bullets out of a maximum security prison, it must be hard for gun banners to keep a straight face when they allege gun control and gun bans will work in an open society and such bans will transform it into the mythical gun-free nirvana.
The Detroit News: Bullets found in Ionia prison still puzzling
After all, if the state can't prevent the importation of bullets into a maximum security facility, and indeed the manufacture of homemade guns inside such a facility, it's rather hard to credibly allege that you will stop the existence of firearms in any environment less controlled than a prison. As the examples show, even a prison environment won't make a perfect ban achievable.
We are told that we can never find and deport the illegals in this country. If we can't find something that has mass and weight in the +100 lbs range, how can we find a 5 lb gun that can be hidden in a waistband under a loose shirt?
It's the glory of liberals' magical thinking - illegals = good so they can't be seen, indeed shouldn't even be looked for. However, guns = bad so of course they can be found and confiscated.
Reality however tends to intrude on their happy fantasy.
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