Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Gladiator II - Just Why?

To say Gladiator 2 was a sequel no one asked for is an understatement.

The first Gladiator was fun, had some respect for historical accuracy, and was a pretty accurate reenactment of the Rome tactics and gladiatorial games of Marcus Aurelius' time.

 Gladiator 2, not so much.

To say it had so many blatant historical inaccuracies it would hurt a classicist's soul is accurate. Verily, it did.

Horrendously bad, it was. 

It begins with a Roman fleet attacking Numidia under the Emperors Caracalla and Geta sometime between 209 and 211 AD. The leader of Numidia at the time is named Jugurtha.

The problem is the Roman Republic's War with Jugurtha took place in 118 BC, prior to the Roman Empire, and Numidia had been under Roman domian and control since then.

This does let them get some DEI credit for the film though portraying Jugurtha as Black, rather than North African Berber so there's that. 

And no, the Roman generals at the time of Geta and Caracalla were not known to run ahead of their formation fighting enemies one-on-one.  Not how it worked.

It gets progressively, and dare I say diversely, worse from there.

Denzel Washington plays Macrinus, as the master of gladiators. He does a fine job chewing the scenery and basically portraying himself out of Training Day. He's an enjoyable actor, but it kills the history of the period all the more, but again awesome diversity DEI credit.

The real Macrinus was the commander of the Preaetorian Guard  and as far as is known was not involved in the death of Geta, but was involved in killing Caracalla and becoming Emperor for a short period before being killed himself.

Oh, and Macrinus, while from North Africa, wasn't Black, but again DEI cred.

Geta and Caracalla are portrayed as effeminate half-wit twin poofs.  Again for DEI credit I suppose, when the historical record is rather different. 

Also, they weren't twins with Caracalla being 11 months older. They were both active on military campaigns and Caracalla was held to be quite the military strategist and campaigner. They did hate each other though and far more than is portrayed in the movie.

Caracalla also never had a pet monkey.  Lawdog is likely happy to know that.

Gladiator 2 even literally jumped the shark by having sharks in the Colosseum during the nautical battle scene.

While Rome did stage a Naumachia in the Colosseum at least once, the Romans did not capture sharks and have them swimming around the Colosseum during such battles.

Hilariously and painfully the naval battle itself was announced as a remake of the Battle of Salamis and the "Trojans vs the Persians".

The Battle of Salamis was between the Greeks and the Persian  - in 480 BC. The Trojan war was much,much earlier, in the 12th or13th century BC between the Greeks and the Trojans.  

The movie then continues with more and more historical inaccuracies.

There's even people sipping coffee and reading newspapers during the movie. 

Coffee didn't come to Rome as a beverage before the 17th century AD,  and newspapers weren't invented until the 1400s - over a thousand years after the events in the film.

I mean you can take license with historical events, but asking thew audience to disbelieve a thousand years is asking for a but much. 

In short if you haven't seen Gladiator 2 yet,  I recommend you disbelieve it ever existed, and simply have a better and more enjoyable use of your movie-watching time by watching Gladiator again.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Surely, They Can't Be That Stupid

Apparently, they can indeed be that stupid, and stop calling me Shirley:

The term, Intelligence Community when applied to the American version of same, is rapidly becoming an oxymoron, if it hasn't already.
That level of incompetence is rather staggering.  But, perhaps, they were simply too busy having kinky and highly workplace inappropriate chats on secure government systems to pay attention to avoiding blowing the identities of CIA employees while they were chatting about a whole different kind of blowing:

One would think members of the "intelligence community", being presumably both more tech-savy and intelligent than average, would know not to do something that the average American worker already knows is highly inappropriate to do in the workplace.  

Or they did know that, but figured the rules didn't apply to them.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

That's Wrongly Using Your Head

The Detroit Free Press: Man busted in airport smuggling cocaine under toupee

Cocaine makes you do dumb things.  Smuggling cocaine even moreso. Indeed, it can make you wig out.

A Colombian man was arrested for attempting to smuggle cocaine worth thousands under his toupee, officials announced on Monday.

The suspect was caught before taking a flight to Amsterdam from Cartagena's Rafael Nunez International Airport, according to Reuters and Sky News.

He had about $10,000 worth of coke under his wig. 

Maybe he should have just opted for a comb-over.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Hamas Perfidy And A Michigan Connection

So Hamas murdered Ariel (age 10) and Kfir Bibas  (age 4 months) by strangling them to death and then disfigured their bodies, and then to add insult to injury handed over coffins that were locked, stuffed with Hamas propaganda along with the bodies, and did not actually return Shiri Bibas' body, instead putting an unknown woman's body int the coffin (The body of was later handed over Friday night).

Hamas, with Iranian backing, also attempted to carry out a massive series of bombings in Israel, only failing due to setting the timers to 9pm rather than 9 am.

Hamas is yet again violating the ceasefire with these acts and expecting to get away with it, as more and more Hamas terrorists are released to kill again in return for live and dead hostages.

Meanwhile, our own Governor Whitmer of Michigan is busy gallivanting around Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates  on a junket with a Hamas apologist and Hezbollah supporter, Osama Siblani, that she brought along for the visit: 

Washington Free Beacon: He Said He'd Take Jews 'Back to Poland.' Gretchen Whitmer Took Him on an Official State Trip to the Middle East. Details of the trip and who she is meeting on it while hanging out with Siblani makes it even worse.

Words would fail to express the disgust that I have right now for our dear  governor half-whit. 

To be jaunting around with a Hamas apologist as Hamas commits terrorist attacks and continues to hold people hostage is beyond the pale. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Some 51st State Humor

President Trump was in the Oval Office when his telephone rang, "Hello, President Trump," a heavily accented voice said, "This is Archie, up 'ere at the Harp Seal Pub in Badger's Cove, Newfoundland, Canada, eh?

"I am callin' to tells ya dat we are officially declaring war on ya!"


"Well, Archie," The Donald said, "This is indeed important news!  How big is your army?"


"Right now," said Archie, after a moment's calculation, "there's myself, me cousin Harold, me next-door neighbour Mick, and the whole dart team from the pub.  That makes eight!"


Donald paused.  "I must tell you Archie that I have one million men in my army waiting to move on my command."


"Wow," said Archie.  "I'll have t' call ya back!"   Sure enough, the next day, Archie called again.


"Mr. Trump, the war is still on!  We have managed to acquire some infantry equipment!  We have two combines, a bulldozer, and Harry's farm tractor."


President Trump sighed.  "I must tell you Archie, that I have 16,000 tanks and 14,000 armed personnel carriers.  Also, I've increased my army to one and a half million since we last spoke."


"Lord above," said Archie, "I'll be gettin' back at ya."   Sure enough, Archie rang again, the next day.  "President Trump, the war is still on!  We have managed to git ourselves airbourne!  We up an' modified Harrigan's ultra-light wit a couple of shotguns in the cockpit, and four boys from da Legion have joined us as well !"


Donald was silent for a minute and then cleared his throat.  "I must tell you, Archie, that I have 10,000 bombers and 20,000 fighter planes.  Huge.  My military complex is surrounded by laser-guided, surface-to-air missile sites.  And you need to know, since we last spoke, I've increased my army to TWO MILLION!"


"Jumpins, Lord tunderin!"  "Two million, ye say!!" said Archie.  "I'll have ta call youse back.


Sure enough, Archie called again, the next day.  "President Trump!  I am sorry to have to tell ya dat we have had to call off dis 'ere war."


"I'm sorry to hear that," said Donald.  "Why the sudden change of heart?"


"Well, sir," said Archie, "we've all sat ourselves down and had a long chat over a bunch of pints, and come to realize dat dere's no way we can feed two million prisoners."

Now, it is true that the Canadian Forces are small but mighty.  They are rather confident in their capabilities, and they do punch far above their weight. 

Indeed, apocryphally, the Geneva Convention was started because of the Canadian military, who refer to it even today as the Geneva Checklist.

But in reality, should the Canadians kick off Defence Scheme No. 1 and  War Plan Red ever gets dusted off and updated in return, this can only end one way:


Friday, February 14, 2025

Inflation Isn't Rearing It's Ugly Head Again, It's Just Being Actually Accurately Reported Again

Right on time for President Trump to take office, the data now shows inflation increasing.

Reason: Trump May Have To Grapple with Returning Inflation

We will note that Reason, an ostensibly libertarian publication is no friend of Trump.  Verily, Reason seems to be having vapors about his actually reducing the size, scope, and spending of government - something you would think a libertarian would cheer for, neh?

One would think so, but no. Basically Reason at this point is all about marijuana legalization and wide open borders, and damn little else. 

It is not "returning inflation", instead it is that inflation is now being reported accurately again after the books have been cooked and the data tortured the past four years.

Politico: How Democrats Were Tricked Into Believing the Economy Was Strong

The Democrats, pace Politico, weren't being "Tricked" -- they were the ones running the trick.  

The Biden-run government agencies were the ones massaging the data and running the scam under reporting inflation and messing with job statistics to give the picture of a rosy economy under Biden that wasn't. 

The Biden Administration and the media establishment (But I'm repeating myself) had been busy boasting and talking up how wonderful the economy under Biden has been, how Biden achieved a "soft landing" and  try to give him a boost for his reelection and then for Harris when even the massaged stats couldn't get him to the finish line.

The administration and media both made themselves busy asking Americans - "Who are going to believe Biden and the Media, or your own lyin' eyes?"

Now that Biden is out, the stats are being reported, presumably more accurately, just in time for President Trump to have to deal with the results of the massive overspending and effects of the policies Biden has left behind. 

The Fed's decision on setting interest rates - including reducing them right before the election which just so happened to assist Biden, was doing so based on the statistics being manipulated.  

The deliberate false reporting of government statistics,  statistics relied upon to set economic policy, should be seen as one of the greatest scandals of the Biden era.  

Perhaps one day it will be.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

I Did Not Know That Michigan's Libraries Are

Heavily, and in some case majorly, funded by traffic tickets and penal fines. 

I had figured that library mileages on property taxes were responsible for the bulk of the funding. Apparently not.

Nor did I know, but I should have guessed, that Wayne County would manage to screw up the accounting and distribution for that funding. Badly.

The Detroit Free Press: Accounting errors have cost Wayne County libraries millions

Over the last decade, 18 libraries in Wayne County have been shorted as much as $1.9 million, while 11 saw an influx in cash, all because of staff turnover at the county level and subsequent accounting errors.

The money at issue flows through the state and comes from penal fines, which are paid to courts in criminal and some civil violations, including most traffic fines. County treasurers collect and distribute the fines to libraries. This funding is baked into state law and it can account for anywhere between 3% to 70% of public libraries' annual budgets, according to the Library of Michigan.

 Wayne County lost the employee who calculated penal fines and the county did not replace that position, according to a report the Library of Michigan prepared for public library directors and boards.

So interesting to know that a goodly amount of the fines from court goes to the state's libraries, hopefully helping the True Crime shelves be well stocked, and that Wayne County can impressively mess up the distribution of those funds.

Lawyer, Please

So the fun with the unpleasant lying lawyer continues.

In the first bit of the latest fun, she has refused to produce unredacted copies of the appraisals of some of the firearms she had appraised and attached to her petition (notably not the handgun that she now suddenly claims they had all along, nor another rifle that we're pretty darn sure her felon brother now has).

Each appraisal has an area blocked out.  One of them is not well blocked out and we can tell it is a copy of a drivers license, and with the phone number that is seen we're pretty darn sure who was handling the firearms appraisal on behalf of the co-trustee.

The felon brother. 

Bit of a no-no, that.

Not a good look for a trustee of a trust to enlist a felon to posses and handle firearms.

So a motion to compel it is, and I have filed it and asked for attorneys fees for having to being it as the refusal has no proper basis.  The hearing unfortunately won't be for over a month, but I expect the unredacted copies will be ordered to be turned over as there's no privilege for this kind of malfeasance. 

The second of the latest news is so much more fun.

Unpleasant lying lawyer now demands the house my co-trustee and beneficiary client is living in now has to be sold to pay for trustee administrative expenses - i.e. the costs of the frivolous lawsuit her client has filed and caused to accrue.

In other words, they want to drive my client out of her marital home now that she has been widowed, and probably grab a fair bit of the value of it, which I suspect was the plan all along.

I reply to her that no, that's not going to happen. 

Instead, I note that such expenses are, by law, paid from the residue of a trust and not from specific distributions like the gift of a house.

Since the co-trustees distributed all the residue as no one thought the Unpleasant Lying Lawyer's client would engage in this ridiculous lawsuit there is no residue at present remaining.

But, instead we will need to clawback the distribution made to all the beneficiaries to cover this which means her client, her client's felon brother, and her client's sister, and my client as well proportionately, will need to opay these "expenses" as the law requires.  

So, as a result.  her family gets to pay a share not only of her client's "administrative expenses" brought on by this lawsuit - but they get to pay my client's expenses as well.

She's certainly not going to be happy with that, and it'll be fun to have her explaining to her family that they now need to cough up the money that they had been paid to cover both side's expenses as co-trustees in this ridiculous lawsuit.

Methinks her cunning plan just backfired a tad. 

But, this is what happens because when you FA, you get to FO.