Sunday, June 02, 2024

Graduation Day

Today was the day for Leah's graduation ceremony from International Academy.

Slightly over 300 students from the three IA campuses (IA is a public magnet high school that draws students form multiple school districts in Michigan and then rigorously puts them through the grinder and gives them a great education, were set to graduate today.

The ceremony was held at Pine Knob Concert Theater and there was metal detectors at the entrances.  Getting in was interesitng.

On going in past the metal detectors, they checked a guy with a backpack right in front of me and let him through with his backpack. All fine and good.

Then the guy checking stuff, after looking in my camera bag and seeing it had a camera and lenses in its aid my camera bag can’t come in.

I pointed out the guy’s backpack was much larger than my camera bag. Again he said a camera bag can’t come in. 

“Ok” I said, slinging the camera bag onto my back, “my camera bag identifies as a backpack.”

I, and the bag, got in.

Stupid rules and stupid people require stupid responses, just saying. 

As you can tell as she headed up to receive her diploma, from the UF she decorated her cap with, Leah will be going to University of Florida!

Note the multiple honor cords shes wearing - graduating summa cum laude, Mock Trial Captain, Peer Corps Captain, Spanish Honors, National Honors Society, and IB Honors.

The ceremony was great. Only downside was with a few Muslim students had some Pali-type keffiyahs over their gowns, and a couple waved them around when they got their degree, and a couple also had scarves that showed Israel replaced completely with "Palestine" on them (again River to the Sea is a call for the destruction of Israel and everyone who isn't clueless knows it). But, there was no disruption, which was good.

A proud parent moment, and it celebrated another amazing accomplishment by Leah.  This was the result of 4 years of really hard work and dedication on her part.  The kid has grown into a fine young lady and will make her mark in the world.


Old NFO said...

Congrats to her!

juvat said...

Congratulations and Well Done, Leah! Best of luck to you in the next step in life.

Kudo's and Well Done to both you and your wife, Aaron! It's tough to see them go, but the rewards on both sides are well worth it.

Again, Well Done to all concerned.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Who's running security at Pine Knob? Someone should talk to them.