Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday Fly Day - Ferry Flight To Adrian

Today after some work I left the office and headed to the airport. 

The club needed the Archer ferried to Adrian as the avionics shop had stated they were finally ready for us and had booked us to arrive today. I was originally going to fly with James, but he had a last-minute issue so I had to herd cats and find another pilot in the club to do the ferry flight. Scott was available in the afternoon, but not the early morning before work as I would have preferred,  but beggar ferry pilots can;t be choosers, so we made it happen. this afternoon.

So I flew the Dakota down, and Scott flew the Archer. We both got flight following and headed off to the southwest.

A beautiful day, but since it was the afternoon, it was rather bumpy.

Cruising in the Dakota at about 140 knots ground speed was pretty nice.

 Overflew Ann Arbor and kept clear of Detroit's Bravo airspace.

I then did a practice RNAV 23 approach visually using the autopilot in to Adrian and went to the avionics shop.

Scott in the slower Archer soon arrived and we dropped the Archer off at the shop.

We then piled back in the Dakota, and I flew us back, again getting flight following and requesting an approach in at Pontiac.

While remaining outside the Bravo, we could see Detroit Metro Airport:

As we got closer to DTW, they had me descend from 5,500 to 4,500 to be under their corridor.

I then put the foggles on and flew on instruments.  Since I had a safety pilot, might as well get in an approach that counts for currency.

We did the RNAV 27L starting at KUHNA, and it worked quite nicely, and I flew a good approach.  Scott didn't even scream once. A very nice landing which he appreciated, and that was our ferry flight. Cleaned off the bugs and we were all set.

So, we will see if Lucy will again yank away the football or if we actually get the autopilot installed this time.

That's 1.6 for free as it was a club flight, which is always the best kind of flying time. 2 nice landings, and 1 instrument approach.


B said...

Now is a good time to deep clean the hangar.....

Aaron said...

Mr. B: We gave it a pretty thorough going-over and cleaning during the Wash n Wax.

Old NFO said...

Free is always nice! And smart to get some foggles time too!