Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Well That Just Sucks

Having a rough time based on an life event that occurred last Thursday, and it is hitting me rather hard.

Not sure how much I want to discuss it at this point, but it's hitting me like a ton of bricks and worse than I had anticipated.  Didn't want this particular event to happen, but nothing to be done it happened and that's the reality.

Well, falling down seven times but getting up eight times is a secret to success, so they say.  

After all, that kind of persistence leads to success for everything except a DUI roadside stop, so time to work on picking myself up and carrying on in the new reality.


Gromit said...

When you feel like letting us know what is going on, do so. It does help to get things out.

Reltney McFee said...

Good luck with your event. I'm sorry to hear of your travail.

pigpen51 said...

I can only say that I am praying for you and your issue. And I want you to know that the posts that you put online here are an important part of my day, as they always serve to either enlighten me or amuse me.
No doubt you have many friends who truly appreciate the human being you are. I hope that they stand beside you in this time of trial.