Thursday, November 17, 2022

So Gov Whitmer You Spent The Last 4 Years Doing What About Roads Exactly?

Gov Whitmer's campaign slogan in the 2018 election was she was going "To Fix The Damn Roads".

Despite a very visible flurry of construction that -- coincidentally I'm sure  -- started around the beginning this year's campaign season, after years of her not doing much, she now says she's ready to fix the damn roads.

The Detroit Free Press: Whitmer: Entirely new approach needed to 'fix the damn roads'

So Gov, what have you been doing these past 4 years then on your signature campaign issue?

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she still wants to "fix the damn roads" as she begins her second and final term, but now believes an entirely new funding system is needed, to allow for the growth in electric vehicles and associated drop in gasoline consumption.

I expect we will see not much real action on fixing the roads, aside from her trying to push a new tax scheme.  I further expect that much of the money raised in such scheme will go not to fixing the damn roads but to more Democrat pet projects like mass transit and various government commissions on mass transit, urban panning, etc. Got to keep that graft going, after all.

At least she claims she is backing away from her 45 cent-per-gallon gas tax increase plan - at least for now.


ccm2361 said...

Ah yes the old bait & switch. Lets double the gas tax so we can fix the roads. Then rake half the money off to other departments so that not one red cent extra goes to the roads. Gretch follows the Granholm playbook to the letter.

Old NFO said...

Yeah, right... bait and switch is right on the money! YOUR money

Aaron said...

ccm2361: Exactly!

Old NFO: Sadly, exactly this.