Tuesday, November 08, 2022


Was voter #94 this morning so there's been a reasonable in-person turnout already at my precinct.

Overall, it proceeded rather smoothly, although the fellow in front of me caused a bit of a hold up. Apparently his claimed new address did not match his current driver's license, nor his voter registration records which were for a different precinct, so he got sent to the town hall to sort it out. Good to see they're checking at least that much.

So if you haven't voted yet, you have a small window left to make sure you understand the issues, the proposals, and then choose people who best represent your views, and vote accordingly.


pigpen51 said...

I voted as well, at approximately 1 pm. I think that I was #230 or so. This election was of course one of the more important and contested in a long time. It was important enough that I felt the need to do some due diligence, and look up the down ticket races, like the board of regents for the state universities, some of the court judges, the proposals, and such.
I do think that right to vote is still the most cherished thing that we as Americans continue to hold that separates us from some of the other nations of the world that don't have the same rights that we have. It is a sad thing that so very many choose to neglect the number 1 freedom that makes our country such a right that hundreds of thousands have given their very lives for. I guess that it is also their right to ignore the right to vote, if they so choose. I hope that when something happens that they dislike, they don't complain, because they had their chance to attempt to vote for a change.
I wish and pray that no matter the outcome of all of the races, things will remain calm, and no violence will come out of the races. That is the way that real patriots act.

Glypto Dropem said...

My ballot was number 4 in the ballot gobbler machine at 6:03 AM.

I miss the speed of voting, the unquestioned accuracy, and results statewide by the time the 10 PM news came on that we got with the old reliable (and cheat proof) mechanical voting machines combined with TRADITIONAL absentee ballots.

The polls seem more crowded all day long than during a general election.

Matthew W said...

4th in line at 5:58 am and first to vote.

ccm2361 said...

#672 at 6Pm. Much bigger than usual turnout for a midterm at my precienct.