Friday, December 18, 2020

If You Want To Get Something Done, Sometimes You Gotta Do It Yourself

But you know, not that. Really.

The Jewish News:  Longtime Detroit Fertility Doctor Used Own Sperm to Inseminate Patients, DNA Tests Show

They’d both been conceived via artificial insemination at the Detroit practice of Dr. Philip Peven. Lynn’s sperm donor was an intern at Grace Hospital around the time she was born. And Jaime’s biological father, as suggested by DNA tests, was Dr. Peven himself.  

. . .

Dr. Peven, 104, delivered more than 9,000 babies during his career. But according to his son, Roger Peven, he has not taken a DNA test himself to help verify how many biological children he has.  

Yeah, there are just some things you really shouldn't do yourself.


MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Aaron;

Wasn't this a "Law and Order SVU" Episode?

Aaron said...

MrGarabaldi: It very well may have been. Law and Order SVU is not to be used as a "How-To" guide.