Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Missed It By That Much....

One of the many jokes about Detroit is that it is ground zero for where hell is going to open up. The follow-up response, of course, is that it'll be hard to tell the difference if that happens.

Verily, the earth hath opened up, but by a cruel joke fate missed its intended target by just a few feet:

Officials are meeting Tuesday to learn the results of a soil test at the site of a 14-foot-deep sinkhole that opened up next to City Hall over the weekend.

From The Detroit News.

The sinkhole missed City Hall by just a bit, and to think of the improvement in the city had it been on target. Interestingly, the hole has revealed an old 1890s sewer line and the repair will be problematic (read: expensive), as lots of other utilities run there and so far they're not sure about the stability of the entire area.


ProudHillbilly said...

Do you know what the geology is there? What the bedrock is?

Aaron said...

PH, Geologically, it's a Hive of Scum and Villainy, all the way down.....

Probably the bedrock is shale, limestone, or sandstone.