Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Monday Morning Ferry Flight

Got up rather early yesterday to go to the airport.

We were going to take the Dakota to the avionics shop in Owosso to get the autopilot looked at to figure out why we keep getting the Pitch/Trim servo message and the autopilot keeps disconnecting.

Got to the airport and met up with Brian.

I pre-flighted the Archer and he did the same with the Dakota.

I took off first and headed northwest to Owosso.

I didn't go direct to avoid Flint's Class C airspace but stayed clear and skirted around it.

Gorgeous day to fly, wind only 7-8 knots and the air was pretty calm.

After the annual inspection and the tune up our new mechanic did the Archer flew like a top. It flew so much smoother, and it took off and landed smoother too after he got the landing gear in tip-top shape.

He also worked on the engine and cleaned the plugs, and tightened everything up. I was getting 120 knots indicated at a power setting I used to get 100 at pre-annual.  Darn nice job on his part.

Clouds were at about 4,500 feet by Pontiac and disappeared north of Flint leaving a completely open sky.

I landed on Runway 29 at Owosso. First time ever going there.  Owosso has kind of a weird runway setup with two grass runways intersecting the paved runway.

Would be kinda bumpy landing on the grass and then hitting the paved taxiway and runway while rolling out or when taking off,  I would think.  It also makes for a weird taxi where you cross two runways on the way to the apron and back to the runway to depart.

I found where Huron Avionics was without much difficulty and waited for Brian and the Dakota to arrive, which he did very shortly thereafter, and he taxi'd in.

We met with Huron Avionics, good folks, and dropped off the plane.

I then flew us back to Pontiac, and had another good landing.

After putting the plane away I drove to work and was in my chair by 10:30, and I then had a really busy day, but it was well worth it.  An absolutely great day to get out and fly.

That's 1.2 with 2 good landings. 

Best of all, since it was a flight for the club, it was free, and there's no flying like free flying.


juvat said...

Gonna take an exception to your last sentence. There’s no flying like getting paid for flying. As long as it’s not in combat.

Aaron said...

juvat: Yep that would indeed be much better. Sadly, I'm not a commercial pilot nor military so I can't get paid to fly, so free flying is the apex for me at this point.